The Huntress (Ivar x slayer!reader)

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Summary: The slayer is called to Kattegat to kill a very powerful very old vampire but is drawn to ivar the moment she meets him

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Summary: The slayer is called to Kattegat to kill a very powerful very old vampire but is drawn to ivar the moment she meets him

word count:2100

Fandom: Buffy the vampire slayer/ Vikings

not my gifs found on google  

my name is y/n and I am the slayer. into each generation, a slayer is born she alone will stand against the vampires demons and forces of darkness she is the slayer. I am aided by my watcher Ainsley, he guides teaches and trains me, and right now I am in a boat on my way to a place called Kattegat. the seer has called me here, seers and watchers are a part of the council they are the ones that call a slayer to power.
"y/n. y/n. wake up we're here." Ainsley said he is the closest thing to a family I have had since I was called at 13.
"Ainsley I am awake" I groggily said as I rubbed my eyes. I reached for my scythe. I stood up and got out of the boat, Ainsley held out his hand to help me out, so we could find the seer to figure out what is going on.

"ah y/n. the slayer you got my cries" the seer said as Ainsley and I walked into the great hall where he was speaking with I assume is the queen.
"how could I miss the bone crunching head splitting pain of the vision you had the gods give me. thank you for that by the way. as if getting them on my own was not enough, now I have to worry about you or any other seer anywhere sending me hurling to ground in the worst pain of my life so, bite me" I said as Ainsley cleared his thought to tell me to stop, show some respect and to apologize for being rude. I just rolled my eyes.
"as I was telling queen Asluge, a dark power is rising here in Kattegat and we need to prepare." he said motioning to the queen.
"do you know what is rising here. have you seen anything?" Ainsley said asking the seer.
"not anything specific. all I know is that it is a very old very powerful bloodsucker" the seer grumbled out.
"you mean vampire," I said annoyed the seer slowly nodded his head.
"finally, I have been dying for a good slay," I said getting kind of excited. then I heard a dragging sound and footsteps and looked to the opening near the queen's throne and saw three men walking and one crawling on the ground.
"maybe I could help you with that" one of the men walking in said.
"Sigurd" the queen snapped at the man
"oh honey you couldn't handle a night with me not many men can I have muscles you couldn't dream of," I said with a smirk
"these are my sons, that is Sigurd" she pointed to the man that I was talking to. that is hvitserk ubbe and ivar" she said while pointing to each of her sons
"while I try to figure out who is going to rise, you are going to train them to kill" Ainsley said
"WHAT NO!" I yelled while cutting Ainsley off
"my sons are very good in battle they don't need a woman to train them" queen Aslauge retorted
"I am sure they are great warriors but she won't be teaching them to fight mear men but the undead" Ainsley informed aslauge

Sigurd and hvitserk were warming up I assume while ubbe was with ivar he was sitting on a tree stump and shooting a bow and hitting his target dead on. I admire him strongly, even with his condition he trains just as hard as his brothers, he never stops.
"see this is what I do not understand, you are the slayer correct" hvitserk said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"yes," I answered while nodding my head
"why you," he said as he tried to catch his breath,
"I ask myself that every day," I said
"no, I mean your so little it would make more sense to call a warrior to power and not small girls" he commented
"your right, it would make sense to give a man with an inflated ego more power to do with as he wishes he would be stronger faster but he would also be exactly what monsters would be looking for, but a seemingly defenseless girl would never be suspected. therefore not seen as a threat" I said in a condescending way
"alright so what exactly is a slayer" ivar chimed in as hvitserk and Sigurd went back to fighting
"no not a slayer, the slayer there can never be two at once y/n is the only one in the world" ubbe corrected him while picking up the bow ivar was no longer using then walking away leaving us alone
"he is right, and to answer your question ivar a slayer is a girl that is gifted the ability to fight the forces of darkness she's given the strength of 10 men and visions that tell her where dark forces are rising," I said
"like my mother," ivar said
"no from what I have heard your mother gets premonitions which are a bit different for one there not sent directly from the gods it is her mind seeing things that could happen but not necessarily will happen so she sees connections that we can not. me, on the other hand, I have visions which are sent from the gods and will happen unless I stop it" I sighed
"so you dream of death and monsters often", he asked and I just started laughing uncontrollably
"oh I wish that is how my visions worked, but no when I get a vision I am almost always awake and its the most pain I have ever felt. it feels like my head is being ripped open and hot embers are being poured in my skull and my visions take a physical toll on me some time as if I am being attacked by whatever I am seeing I have scars on my body from things that never got the chance to fight me because I killed it before it even knew I was there" I sigh out while rubbing the scar on my shoulder
"why would the gods be so cruel to you," ivar said
"I do not think the gods want to be this cruel but I think they have to be. it is the only way to tell me what will happen and think about it the gods are so much more powerful and to use that power on a human would never be pleasant. do I enjoy the visions no but would I give them up never because I am saving lives I am protecting people that can not protect themselves. but if I could change one thing about being a slayer it would be home I would find a place and call it home" i sighed heavily and dropped my head pushing off the tree I was leaning against and walking over to stand in front of him I just want to be closer to him I do not know why but I am drawn to him like a bee to a flower he is so striking I want nothing more the to be alone with him to just talk with him to finally connect with someone for longer than a night to have a friend if nothing else.
"you do not have a home," he asked
"no, I must go where I am needed the only way a slayer will be permitted to stay in one place is if an active Hellmouth is found," I said
"sounds lonely" he whispered
"you have no idea" I sighed
"I think I might" he retorted while looking in my eyes I leaned in closer to him to test the water to see if he would let me kiss him we almost touch when hvitserk interrupted us
"are we gonna train or do what to be alone with each other" hvitserk said and we pulled apart
"of corse, we will train hvitserk," I said annoyed throwing my head back and pulling away from ivar. he could not have waited.
"alright, so the first thing you need to know is vampires can not be killed like any other man there are only a few things that can kill them which is sunlight, decapitation, a wooden stake through the heart, and fire. also always remember they are stronger faster and hungrier than you. when fighting a vampire you do not have the power they do, so above all else trust your instincts. hvitserk since you are so eager to train and could not wait for me to knock your ass in the dirt your first" I said with a smile
"first for what" he side confused I just looked at him with a smirk on my face "I am not gonna fight you I do not wanna hurt you," he said as I lunged at him then hitting him in the ribs knocking the wind out of him than stepping away
"so you did not hear her brother the slayer has the strength of ten men,"ivar said laughing at his brother rolling on the ground trying to catch his breath I walk over to hvitserk and offered him a head to help him up
"never ever underestimate a vampire they can look like anyone. one of the strongest vampires I have faced was a little girl that looked like she was about 8 when she was actually over 150 years old. vampires do not age and the older they are the stronger they are. never forget that" I said then looked up to the sky seeing the sun go down "it is getting dark we will pick this up tomorrow" I continued
"we can light the torches to see we have trained in the dark before," ubbe said
"have you not listen to anything I have told you ubbe" I said raising my voice waiting for him to answer he just looked confused. so I huffed out and said "sunlight kills vampires so they only come out at night and I am the only one here with any experience killing them so let's get back to the great hall for dinner before we become dinner"

later that night I was laying in bed sleeping. the queen is letting Ainsley and I stay in their home while we are in Kattegat. which is a good thing I came protect them if something were to happen? since the queen is not happy with the king apparently he just came back after leaving about ten years ago without telling anyone. then it hit me. I jumped out of bed with a blood-curdling scream holding my head Ainsley burst through the door ubbe, hvitserk and ivar following him while Sigurd stood in the doorway with the queen I see flashes of cloven hooves for hands and feet and vampire fangs a deep chuckle as the vampire sinks his teeth into the queen's neck and I feel the pain in my neck I can feel the blood being drained from my body i can feel the vampires fangs pierce my flesh the pain in my head is getting worse i can not make it stop I can hear ivar in the background
"it is killing her make it stop" he screams at Ainsley
"I can not control this any more than she can" he retorts I can feel my life being drained out of me, I have never had a vision this intense or this long I just want it to stop I am still screaming then the vampire slashes at the queens stomach and I can feel it slice my skin then the pain stops and I look at Ainsley as he is holding me on the floor all bloody and the queen tells ubbe the go get floki and Helga to dress my wounds

I am sitting on the bed
"what did you see y/n," Ainsley asked while helping me lay down and I flinched as his voice is piercing through my head and echoed in my ears
"too loud. but I saw the vampire he attacked the queen I think he wants to rule. but the thing is his hands and feet were cloven like a deer" I said confused
"I know who is rising. his name is kakistos and he is an extremely old vampire so old that nobody really knows his age some say he is one of the first vampires

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