Just Let Me Go (Derek Hale x reader)

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summary: the reader and Derek have been in a secret relationship for 6 months and decides to come clean to her dad along with telling him shes a werewolf

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summary: the reader and Derek have been in a secret relationship for 6 months and decides to come clean to her dad along with telling him shes a werewolf

disclaimer: I was inspired to write this buy another TV relationship between an older guy and younger high school girl Buffy and Angel  

warning: arguing

word count:1788

gifs not mine found on google

I was staying at Derek's loft. my dad was out of town so we wanted to spend time together, we've both been busy lately and haven't had much time for each other.

I moved closer into his chest as I started to wake up. I opened my eyes to see him propped up on his side watching me sleep.

"What do I have bed head," I said with sleep in my voice. he chucked "something like that," he said I ran my hand through my hair and it got stuck. "oh no" I giggled as I took my hand from my hair. he reached up and ran his fingers through my hair genteelly detangling it for me. "good morning" he said with a smile. I snuggled my face back into his chest and inhaled his scent. this is when I'm happiest when it's just him and I. I looked at his phone that was laying behind my legs to check the time. "oh shit I'm late for school" I said and sprung out of bed. we were still dressed from the night before, we fell asleep just talking so I grabbed my shoes and keys. " hey wait a second" he said while reaching for my wrist. "can I see you after school," he asked "I have dance practice," I said saddened "how about you pick me up after," I suggested "can't training with Isaac," he sighed "tomorrow?" He asked "picking my dad up at the airport," I said while sitting slumped over on the bed. "I hate this. I hate that we have to sneak around because of my dad," I sighed "then talk to him," Derek said "um......no. he would flip all the way out. his perfect little girl dating not only an older guy but Derek Hale and on top of that is a fucking werewolf. I can hear it now," I said getting up and over dramatically mimicking my father. "what happened to the plan. what happened to Princeton For my princess," I said in a deep voice. "I don't even want to go to Princeton. I wanna go to Juilliard," I said frustrated. "then tell him to shove it. your 17 babe 1) he can't press charges because of the Romeo and Juliet law. 2) he can't force you to go to a specific school. 3) he's gonna find out eventually. and 4)......." he said pulling me back into bed with him. "I love you and he can't just scare me off." he whispered. "no he can't press charges but he can keep me from seeing you," I said "only till your 18, then at midnight on your 18th birthday your moving in with me and your going to go to Juilliard to become an amazing dancer that's the new plan," he said then kissed me. "but I don't turn 18 for another month babe. I'll miss you to much," I said "we can handle a month. he can't keep you from school. I'll come see you for lunch and for free periods. then I'll pick you up after school on the full moon before he can. babe, it will be difficult but he can't keep use apart, he needs to get used to me being around I'm not going anywhere." he said " your right Derek, I'm gonna tell him tomorrow. so I'm gonna need to see you after, to calm me down" I said starting to shake. "I'll pick you up if you want me to," he said. "thanks babe," I said kissing him. "you mind if I ditch school? My anxiety is too much right now" I said. snuggling back into him and kicking my shoes back off " I know, I can smell it on you. just remember no matter what happens I'm here for you"

The next day.

I walked into the house helping my dad with his luggage," so how was the trip dad," I said nervously because of the proverbial bomb that's about to go off. "ok out with it. you've been shaking since you picked me up" my dad said. I gulped and started "um well you know about 6 months ago when I got a confidence boost and started getting better at dance," I said easing into this. "yes" my dad answered. "well that's because something happened. I met someone at a party, an older guy and I thought 'wow this guy really likes me' but he didn't. he only wanted the time to do something that would change my entire life" I said. my father got this look on his face assuming the worst. "no he didn't assault me, dad not like that anyway. He...um he bit me. and if he was any other guy it wouldn't have been a big deal just weird, but he wasn't any other guy he was peter hale," I said. "ok I'm lost what does any of this have to do with your confidence," he said confused. "dad, he's a werewolf, and because he bit me I am to" I said just getting to the point. "what? y/n no, stop playing around they don't exist," he said. so I did the one thing that would convince him otherwise. I flashed my eyes and fangs at him. He stepped back partly tripping over his luggage. "Woah good one almost had me fooled," he said chuckling. "what! dad think about it, what did you think was going on. the fights, coming home late, how many times have you washed blood out of my close and you still turned a blind eye. and the best part I was completely lost not knowing how to control myself when I was bitten, till his nephew helped me anchor myself," I said "wait! hale, peter hale, his nephew is Derek Hale. the guy that was wanted for multiple murders you trusted that guy," my dad said not understanding why. not being able to control my emotions anymore I screamed "AND WE FELL IN LOVE!" my father froze. "what" he said fuming. "we've been seeing each other since pretty much when I got bit," I confessed. "well it stops now! it all stops now, no more Derek! no more bite! this never happened, any of it. I'm going to unpack, and when I'm done everything will be back to normal" he said sternly. "NO! IT DOESN'T STOP DAD. I love him and I'm a werewolf. and whether you like it or not, whether you expect it or not, this is my life now. 'the plan' is no more, I'm going to continue to see Derek and finish high school, then I'm going to Juilliard," I said finally take control of my life. "NO, YOU ARE NOT! I AM YOUR FATHER!" he screamed at me. I sighed "don't make me do what she did daddy, don't make me run away like mom did. just let me go, let me be happy," I said looking at him. then heading to the front door keys in hand. "I just want what's best for you. you're my little girl" he said. "happiness is always what's best. you've seen how confident and happy he's makes me. if something or someone has helped me this much how can it be so bad, "I explained. he sighed and hung his head. "you're so stubborn" he said pulling me into a hug. "wonder where I get it from" I said giggling, as the doorbell rang. my dad got the door, on the other side was Derek "hi Mr. Y/L/N," Derek said. "eavesdrop much" I said standing next to my dad. "I was parked on the street I didn't know exactly how this was going to end so I just wanted to be here if Y/N needed me for any reason but since I heard you two come to an understanding I thought we should meet before the next full moon because she still needs to work on somethings but now I'm feeling vulnerable because I've never don't this and I'm thinking I should've stayed in the car." Derek rambled. my dad just extended his hand and Derek shook it. "nice try but we both know you're not here because of me. you heard that the conversation was deescalated and knew you didn't have to climb through her window later when I'm asleep." My dad said "oh yea I knew you were seeing someone I just didn't know who. your not a teenage boy Derek so your not going to feel intimidated by me so the rambling nervous boyfriend act was pointless. and I know I can't overpower a werewolf so I'm not even gonna try. But what I can do is try to get along with you and give you the respect that you've earned for helping my little girl become a strong confident woman." he continues and my jaw was on the ground. "holy shit" I said in disbelief. "what I can be reasonable" he said. "I'm glad we can get through this like men and not have to pull her in both directions, because I do love her and I don't intend to go anywhere" Derek replied. "well you two can go I assume you have an apartment, Derek," my dad asked "actually I own an apartment building. It's where I train Y/N to control her Heart rate" Derek answered. my dad shook his head while closing his eyes trying to grasp the situation. he opened the door to let us out. as we were walking away my dad said "just be careful in both new aspects of your life please," I looked at my dad exactly like you would expect. "again I'm not stupid" he continued. we got into Derek's car and I was thoroughly confused. "what the fuck just happened. Did my dad have a personality transplant or something" I said still not grasping what just happened. "I don't care all I know is everything is out and you're still my girl," Derek said leaning over the center consul to kiss me. I looked behind me, my dad was still watching so I rolled up the window and kissed him. im relieved that I don't have to choose between my dad and Derek. He sighed into the kiss and laced his fingers through my hair knowing that he still has his anchor. 

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