Moonstone Promises (Darek Hale x bata!reader)

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summary: the reader is coming face to face with the judgment of dating an older guy while in high school and Derek proves he not going anywhere

by Bif Naked

warnings: so cute I nearly threw up writing this

word count:1894

gifs not mine found on google

I was sitting in my room doing homework when my dad knocked on my door. "Come in," I said.

"Hey just wondering if you and Derek are going to the spring formal" he asked holding the flyer that was mailed out by the school. "no I'm not going" I said kinda bummed. "why not you always refused to go before because nobody asked you but now you do" he said confused. "Derek can't go dad," I said. "why," he asked his confusion worsening. "his age. Nobody over the age of 20 can attend a dance at Beacon Hills High School due to the legal drinking age of 21. I asked the administrations office because he can buy alcohol he can't go to the dance" I said hanging my head.
"Oh I'm sorry," my dad said. "it's ok I have to get caught up on homework this weekend anyways" trying to brush it off. my dad got this look on his face like he was thinking about something. "ok well I'm going to go finish with the mail you know bills, taxes, stuff like that" he said getting his phone out of his pocket. "dad" I said. "yeah" he answered. "word of advice. poker, not your game" I said.

a few days later I get a text from Derek

Derek: Hey you doing anything this weekend

Y/N: Nope. Just studying

Derek: you are now I want you to get dressed to the nines hair nails everything

Y/N: why

Derek: because i said so. I've got a surprise for you

Y/N: ok

Derek: I love you

Y/N: I love you too

"Ok what's he got up his sleeve," I said to myself. I got up to go let my dad know I've got plans. "hey dad" I said walking down the stairs. "in the kitchen" he said letting me know where he was. "hey Derek and I are doing......something this weekend"I said not knowing exactly what to say. "ok you saying over" he asked with a smirk on his face. "I don't know" I answered suspiciously "but you do, don't you," I said continued. "I don't know anything," he said turning around and throwing his hands in the air in mock surrender. bullshit I thought. "ok well I'm going to go find something to wear. Try not to knock a hole in the walls with your nose Pinocchio" I sarcastically retorted.

I was at the mall with Allison and Lydia trying to find a dress to wear. "so how are you and Derek doing" Allison asked cautiously. "good he's healed completely from the fight" I answered. "well that's good, but that's not what I meant" she said. I was confused then Lydia chimed in "are you pregnant" I just looked at her with this dumbfounded look. "what. No!" I said looking at them and walked away. "there's a rumor going around school that Derek got you pregnant, and that's why your not going to the dance" she explained. "No! I'm not going to the dance because Derek can't go, there's no other reason" I clarified. "you know what. I'm so sick of the looks I get in school! our relationship is a little different yes, but what it boils down to is we love each other. yes, I have to miss out on stuff like school dances, or sneaking kisses between class. but I love him and that's all that matters, and don't you think if I actually was pregnant I would have told you two. you're my best friends for god's sake" I said storming away from them and heading to pay for the dress and shoes I picked out.

I drove back to my house frustrated that Derek has to deal with this bullshit. I parked my car and stomped up the stairs up to my room and slammed my bedroom door. " I take it shopping didn't go well" my dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I called Derek needing to calm down I could feel my heart rate rising. "hey baby what's up" he said threw the phone "hey nothing just girls from school" I answered, imedianly feeling a sense of calm wash over me at the sound of his voice. "you need me to come over" he asked. "no I'm gonna see you tomorrow I'm ok" I answered. "well you wanna talk about it" he asked sighing. "people at school are making assumptions about us and the newest rumor is that I'm pregnant. I just wish people were less judgmental" I said upset. "I know baby just remember high school won't last forever but I'm not going anywhere," he said. "I know baby I just don't want you to have to deal with all my high school drama," I said. "baby, I knew what I was getting into when we got together just like you knew what you were getting into," Derek said. "yeah I know" I said. there was silence on the phone for a few moments, as if Derek was trying to figure something out. "hey I've got something I've got to go take care of today. I'll see you tomorrow" he said with a sudden urgent tone in his voice. "everything ok Derek," I said. "yea everything's fine I just need to go get.....something," he said. "alright I love you," I said with a sigh. "I love you too" he retorted. I hung up the phone and finished the homework I needed to catch up on then got ready for bed.

I woke up the next morning to a dozen white roses on my nightstand. I sat up picking them up and smelling them, noticing a card it said, " I promise to always deal with your high school drama signed Derek". I smiled laying the card on my desk and walked downstairs to put them in water. "morning flower getting girl" my dad said sipping his coffee. "morning dad" I said with a smile because of the attention from Derek. "yeah Derek stopped by and left those in your room your one hell of a heavy sleeper" he said smirking and sipping his coffee. I looked at him very suspiciously. "what time are you heading to Derek's" he asked changing the subject. "later tonight I'm driving over there" I answered putting the roses in a vase with water.

Later that night I was driving to Derek's in my car. my heels were the passenger seat because it's way to different to drive in heels. I pulled up to his apartment building and parked, grabbing my shoes and clutch and putting them both on. Derek walked out in a tux meeting me at my car. "Woah look at you double 0 seven," I said standing up and shutting the car door. he cracked a smile "look at me? look at you!" I had on a floor-length black backless dress, with a slit that went nearly up to my hip with matte black pumps on. I walked over to him with a smile on my face and gave him a slow sweet kiss. he pulled away from me and lifted his hand, a blindfold was hanging off his pointer finger. "kinky" I said. he chuckled "turn around," he said as he grabbed my shoulders turning me around, putting the blindfold over my eyes. he leads me into the building, we got to his loft and he helped me down the small stack of steps and walked me in. "I know you didn't tell me there was a dance tonight but I didn't want you to miss out because of me," he said. he removed the blindfold and what I saw took my breath away, his industrial style loft had been cleared of all furniture, and there was an eclectic array of different lights hanging from the ceiling some were Christmas lights, others were fairy lights, some were just raw hanging basket lights. there was music playing softly in the background, I turned around and jumped into Derek's arms. "how did you know the dance was tonight I didn't even want you to know" I said. "your dad called me" he answered. "I knew it," I said and kissed him. he pulled me closer to him and set me back on the ground "you didn't have to do this Derek" I said. "I know I didn't have to," he said, grabbing my right hand and placed his other hand on the small of my back, as lucky ones by bif naked came on. we started to dance I laid my head on his chest as we dance in silence listening to the sound of his heartbeat. "Y/N," he said, I lifted my head looking at him. "I love you," he said with a smile. "I love you too" I retorted. "did you get what I left you this morning," he said a bit nervous. "yes the flowers are beautiful, Thank you," I said with a big smile. "No, the other thing," he said. I looked at him confused he chuckled "you didn't notice?" He asked. "notice what?" I said scrunching my face. "look at your hand" he said I looked at my right hand, "other hand" he said with a giggle. when I pulled my hand from the back of his neck, there was a beautiful silver ring with a single iridescent blue moonstone in it, I gasped not knowing was to say. "it's a promise ring. I wanted to make a promise to you that no matter what I'll be there for you. I've always told you that ill always be around, and I mean it. I promise that one day I plan to get down on one knee and marry you and have kids with you when we're both ready." he said in a whisper I had tears in my eyes about to spill over. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything I had. "why moonstone is it your birthstone or something"I asked. "no but I thought it was fitting. we're not a typical couple so I didn't want to get you a typical ring, and we're both werewolves so I thought moonstone" he explained. "I love it thank you," I said. "so you're ok with not being able to go the dance with me," he asked with a smile. "completely this is so much better than a high school dance. this is beautiful all of it the thought you put into everything is just breathtaking" I said looking up at the lights with a smile then looked back at him. he wiped a tear from my cheek and laced his fingers in my hair kissing me. there is nothing else I've ever been more sure of than this mans love for me. he has always made sure that I know he loves me just as much as I love him. even if stiles calls him a sourwolf he's sweet to me at that's what matters.

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