Making Memories (Jack Kline X Reader)

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Summary: Jack explores sex and intimacy

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Summary: Jack explores sex and intimacy

warning: smut and strong language mentions of porn

word count: 1738

Not my gifs found on google

You wanna kill him, Dean? fine go ahead and try, but you'll have to put that knife through my heart first because the only way I would let you even attempt something like that is if I was dead. so if you wanna kill jack you're gonna have to watch the life drain from your sister's eyes as YOU stab her in the heart" I said to Dean "Why are you so fucking adamant about this?, he's literally the spawn of Satan and you what are having warm fuzzy feelings about him? why" he yelled

"BECAUSE CAS BELIEVES IN HIM, AND I HAVE TO HOLD ON TO SOMETHING. YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT LOST HIM AND THAT KID IN THERE IS HIS SON. MAYBE NOT BIOLOGICALLY BUT GOD DAMN IT DEAN WINCHESTER HE IS. SO WHY DON'T YOU GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL AND IF YOU CAN'T THEN GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY" I screamed as I stormed off, needing to get away from him. my blood was boiling at this point and I found myself at jacks bedroom door. I knocked on the door and it opened. On the other side was a puffy-eyed jack. at the site of him crying my heart ached. I pulled him into my arms he clung to me as I held him.

"I'm so sorry," Jack said sniffing.

"Don't be you haven't done anything wrong!" I said pulling away from him and closing the door behind me. "I've caused you and Dean to fight again" he sighed sitting down on his bed and hanging his head. " it was bound to happen at some point. See the thing about us, is we are both too stubborn to talk about things. so we scream them, believe me if we weren't fighting about you we probably would have fought about something else." I explained, lifting his head with my hand he leaned into my touch. I used my thumb to wipe away a tear, I leaned in and gave him a quick innocent kiss. As I pulled away he looked at me confused. I looked away "I'm so sorry jack I didn't mean to be so forward," I said backing away from him, standing up and heading for the door. but he grabs my wrist spun me around pushes me into the wall. kissing me with my hands pinned above my head "wow and where did you learn that" I said out of breath as he pulled back.

"The pizza man," he said directly my eyes grew wide when I realized what he meant.

"Oh I'm going to kill Dean for leaving that lying around," I said irritated.

"Why I was curious as to what sex was like" he replied innocently, defending dean. I sighed "because I didn't want you to think that is what intimacy is. porn is fake, overly dramatic and it can also be very vulgar. I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy porn just as much as the next person, but it's not intimate. Do you know what I mean?" I explained. "kind of" he answered. "umm ok there's pretty much two kinds of sex. there's the one night stand/hook up, then there's lovemaking. So when you make love your making memories. you'are expressing deep feeling for someone. now hooking up and one-night stands are usually done out of boredom or need it's wasting time, not that there's anything wrong with that. but it's not the same as making a memory" I elaborated. he slowly moved closer to me and whispered "then let me try again" and kissed me with so much emotion he took my breath away. I tangled my fingers into his hair, as his hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. it was as if he couldn't get enough of me. I hummed into the kiss and he understood what that meant. he leads me to his bed, then lays me down and crawls on top of me. his hand going to unbutton my jeans I pulled away from him. " jack stop" I said out of breath. "you don't want to?" He questioned, and sounded a bit hurt. " no I do, believe I do. but I want you to completely understand what sex is the rewards the risks it is very personal. and you need to make that decision for yourself. so when you have, then if you want to we'll make some memories of our own" I said, "you want me to understand sex and intimacy?" He asked. I just nodded my head and he leaned into my ear and seductively whispered, "then teach me" then started kissing my neck. which make my blood boil in a different way. "you think I don't understand but I do. that's why I'm here, on top of you, making you moan my name and wriggle beneath me, I've made my decision," he paused "have you," he finished. "yes" I said in a breathy tone. then took his shirt off his toned figure, as he ran his hand up my torso to my bra strap. attempting to unclip it with one hand, but not quite getting it, and getting frustrated. so he just pulled away in clipped it and threw my bra and shirt at the end of the bed. both of us getting impatient and needy we finished undressing and started hungrily devouring each other in kisses. not being able to take any more he looked at me "now I know my answer but are you ready" he asked. "yes jack" I answered. he pushed himself into me both of us letting out a sigh of relief, finally feeling what we both have been craving. I wrapped my leg around his waist pulling him deeper. Having all of him inside me, as his body moves against mine, while he thrusts into me, feels exactly the way I dreamed it would the night before. causing me to arch my back and throw my head into his pillow, his scent filling my nose. I let out a deep moan "damn your good" I said in his ear. he looked at me his eyes were glowing that gorgeous gold as he smirked, the same smirk he gave the day he was born. as he hit that spot inside me perfectly. "fuck baby how are you this good" I said, not understanding that this is his first time, and he's better than any man I've ever been with. "careful now we don't wanna get 'vulgar' now do we" he said. smirking again I chucked. I flipped us over straddling him "ok poor choice of words, but making love doesn't necessarily have to be slow" I said, as I started riding him slowly. his eyebrows knitting together as his fingers dig into my thighs, making me close my eyes at the feeling. "it just has to mean something" I finished. I picked up my pace. his fingers digging deeper into my thighs. my head flew back once again as I approached my high moaning loudly as it crept closer. then I felt his thumb start circling my clit throwing me off the edge, making me tighten around him. he grunted as he finished. I slumped over with my hands next to his head in the pillow. I rolled off laying next to him "ok how? because you didn't learn that from a porno!" I said still out of breath. "I just did what felt right. what came naturally," he said propping himself up on his hand. I turned to face him "so what your saying is your naturally a skilled lover" as I leaned in to kiss him. "I don't know. Maybe we need to do that a couple more times? just to be sure" he said. "I think you might be right" I answered. as he rolled on top of me. I heard a pounding on the door. "could you two give it a rest I can practically smell the hormones coming off you" Dean yelled through the door. "get some earplugs it's gonna be a long night" I retorted. "the fuck it is I still do t like him" Dean warned "and you'll do what ground me" I said as he walked away.

The next morning I woke up in jacks arms, a little sore and hungry. I sat up on the bed rubbing my face grabbing jack shirt. as I go to get out of bed, I was stopped by a half-asleep Nephilim wrapping his arms around my waist, trying to pull me back into bed. "no stay" Jack said in a sleepy voice. "but I'm hungry" I giggled. "you know what me too" Jack said, getting up and pulling a pair of sweats on. we go to the kitchen, Dean and Sam were already sitting at the table. "oh my god she can walk" Dean said. I just flip him off. "were we too loud?" I asked "no don't listen to him, we're glad you two are happy. Right Dean" Sam said smiling and looking at Dean. "I need a strong drink," Dean said getting up and walking over to the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. "so you could say you need a stiff one," I said laughing. while Sam choked on his pancakes, jack was kind of confused for a second then giggled. Dean was having none of it and just grabbed the bottle then sitting back down. "ok. ok. we're going" I said and Jack and I walked out going to order burgers. "why am I the only one that doesn't think this is a good idea? he could kill her Sam." Dean said. "you don't get it do you, Dean, when was the last time you saw her this happy?" Sam asked, "not since Sa...." Dean said training off "not since Samandriel. he's helping her move on and she's helping him plant roots here don't you get it Dean the need each other in ways that we cant help with so even if you don't like it. suck it up!" Sam explained.

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