Fighting Friends (Vikings cast x reader)

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Alexander, Jordan, Marco, and Alex all like a new actress on set but she's seeing someone

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Alexander, Jordan, Marco, and Alex all like a new actress on set but she's seeing someone


Fandom: Vikings

gifs not mine found on google

I was just chilling on set, till I was needed to film. then one of the weirdest things happens to me. Marco walks up to me with the biggest bouquet of rainbow daisies I've ever seen.

"Hey Riley," Marco said nervously

"Hi" I replayed confused

"I just wanted to get you these as a thank you for how hard you've been working," he said while handing me the flowers

"Oh you didn't have to do that I love my job and I love working with y'all but thank you," I said and smelled the flowers.

"There beautiful and my favorite how did you know," I said.

"Oh you mentioned it in an interview before" he answered while putting his hands in his pockets.

A few days later

I was walking to my trailer to get something to eat. I wanted something sweet, but I ate all the chocolate chip cookies I baked so scratch that. I walk into my trailer and there's a homemade chocolate cake on the table with a note from Jordan.

"wanted to give you something just as sweet as you are since you always make sweets for us

Love Jordan"

"Awe that's so thoughtful of him," I said out loud.

"Well think you sweetness," Jordan said from behind me. I jumped because I didn't even know he was there I turn around with my hand on my chest.

"God Jordan you scared the shit out of me," I said.

"I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to surprise you with something to say thank you" he replied

"Oh thank you for what" I retorted with confusion

"Just being you," he said with a flirty smile

"I only know how to be someone else if there's a camera in my face," I said with a giggle

"Riley madden we need Riley on set, " someone said while calling me back to set. I swiped my finger in the frosting and put it in my mouth.

"Thank you Jordan it's good," I said while running back to set.

later that day

I was sitting with Alexander in hair and makeup waiting for the hair and makeup artists to get us ready for a Battle scene. but my back was killing me from rehearsing this scene. I do most of my own stunts because I have the martial arts experience to know what I'm doing, but the constant rotation of my back is getting to me. I was rubbing my neck trying to ease the pain and Alexander noticed so he got behind me and started rubbing my neck and back.

"You look tense you ok," he said while hitting that perfect spot

"I am now. My back is killing me and I can't get it to stop" I said while closing my eyes.

"I know a good way to help you relax," he said with a wink.

"Hey, now Romeo.keep it in your pants" I responded, trying to tell him I'm not interested in him like that because I'm with someone. but before I could finish Alex comes walking in with the cutest Australian and German shepherd mix I've ever seen and I lost it. "omg he so cute Alex can I hold him" I said very excited.

"I can do better you can have him, he's yours," he said handing me his leash and I couldn't contain my excitement

"Omg what how why," I said not finishing any sentences.

"Well a buddy of mine couldn't keep him in his new apartment and I knew you were a huge animal love and looking for a new dog so I took him in and thought you would love him," he said.

"Ollie is gonna love him,"l said referring to my dog at home. but when I looked at Alexander he looked like he was a mix of irritated and upset and I don't quite know why.

"so what are you gonna name him," Alex said.

"Ummmm Chance," I said while patting him on the head.

But then Marco and Jordan came in and it was getting a bit crowded in here.

"Wow, what is this grand central station why is everyone coming in here," I said looking at all 4 men.

"Well we all have feelings for you and we have been trying to get you attention the last few days, but you haven't shown any interest in anyone of use. so we want to know who you want to go on a date with" Marco said. then they all started talking over each other. trying to tell me why they think I would be happier with them, but I couldn't hear anything they were saying, then the "Manly Wrestling" started. Alexander had Jordan in a headlock and Marco had Alex in an armbar.

"HEY ENOUGH" I screamed then sighed.

" you're acting like children over a girl really. Marco, Alex you two are best friends" I said with a huff

"and you two are supposed to be the mature ones, and your in here wrestling over a girl that isn't even single way to go you've made giant asses out of yourselves," I said

"Wait your not single" Jordan chimed in slightly out of breath.

"No, and if you would have actually asked me on a date instead of trying to win me over with gifts you would have known that," I said with a little laugh.

"So who's the lucky guy," Alex said with a smile as my beautiful girlfriend walked in.

"Well I'm not a guy but I am lucky to have her" Katheryn said while wrapping her arms around me from behind. I love her touch it truly feels like home. I turned my head to the side to kiss her, and all I hear is Alex say "ok I ship it they're too cute" "wow I really didn't know you that much I'm surprised but happy for you" Alexander said.

" yea I love her she's my everything," Katheryn said from behind me and squeezed me a little tighter.

"Oh, by the way, Alex I'm keeping Chance," I said looking him dead in the eyes.

"Who's chance," Katheryn said and all I did was lift the leash and smile.

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