Someone. Please

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*Sams POV*

I ran. I knew someone would be in the office. My legs hurt but I couldn't stop. Until I reached the door. I ran in still crying. I ran to my office not catching eyes with anyone. If anyone was in. "Sam? Sam!" Matt shouted as I ran into my offive and hid in the corner. I tried to hide my tears as Matt walked in. "Sam?" He came over and picked me up. Putting me on the couch and cuddling me. "Has something happened between you and Connor?" I nodded. "W-when we got back the police were at the door. Asking about what happened when our parents died. I explained how we were coming to find Connor. They said they would come tomorrow to figure out burial plans. When they left I fell to the floor crying and for some god forsaken reason. I thought. I thought that if Connor hadn't left. My parents wouldn't have died." I broke down more and Matt hugged me tighter. "Y'know. Connor used to talk about you a lot. He showed me pictures of you that your parents sent him. They didn't want to hurt you so they didn't tell you anything. He thought that the less you knew. The more he could fix himself before coming back. Remember he's frail too." Paul had been at the door. The whole time. He came in at that time. I jumped from matts arms to Paul's. "Also about what Connor said earlier. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I nodded in his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Ew. Get a room!" Matt said closing the door. I laughed and pulled him on to the couch. He put on the tv above my desk that Bryan left for me. He put on some of Connors team edge gaming vlogs. He pulled a blanket over me. "This is a technical 2nd date for us." I laughed as Matt walked in. "Can you lock up. I'm off." Paul nodded as Matt left. "Want to order in pizza?" I asked Paul. "Already on it!" He giggled standing up. We sat for about 15 minutes waiting for the pizza to come. *Ding Dong*
"Race ya!" I shouted already halfway down the stairs. I got to the door. "Thanks!" I said handing the man the money. "You better be!" The man said pulling my hand out of the office. "Paul. Help!" I shouted as I was thrown in a car.

*Pauls POV*

"Paul! Help!" That's all I heard when I saw her get dragged into a car that then sped off into the distance. I pulled out the phone and called 911. I told them everything the blue Volkswagen pulled away with my girlfriend. I suddenly sirens speed up to the door. I called Matt and Connor. They were both on their way.  My girlfriend, my best friends sister, my co-worker. Had just been kidnapped. Yet all I could do was cry.

*Connors POV*

"Sams been. Kidnapped." I'm shocked to hear this. "Ill be right over." I said down the phone ending the call with Paul. First she ran away. Now somehow Paul let her be kidnapped. I grabbed my keys and ran to my truck. I couldn't lose my last family member.
I drove through the tears. All the way to the office. I drove up to see police cars everywhere. The only people here were me, Matt and paul. The pain I felt is the worst I felt. I fell away from my parents recently so I never really got close to them in recent years. I ran through to see paul crying on the floor and Matt talking to the cops. What should I do. Consolidate him. Take my rage out on him. I chose the latter. I ran up to him and grabbed his shirt. Pulling him up and punching his. Face. His. Face. I punched his face. Oh god. He looked up at me with fury. Matt ran over and pulled me aside. "Right I understand your unstable bit that doesn't mean you can do that does it!? Does it!?" I shook my head and he pushed me. Through the tears I ran to my car. Sitting there I cried. "Connor?" I heard as the door opened. "Sam?! Where did you go?" I engulfed her in a hug then I dragged her over to the cops and Matt. She was safe. Thank god. She was safe.
"Matt!" He looked at me sternly before noticing  a frail beaten up sam in my arms. "Sam?" She looked up and ran into a hug with him. "Where's Paul?" She asked Matt. I panicked.

*Sams POV*

After the pain I've felt for the past 2 hours I had to escape I found a way out and ran. He beat me and tried to do in appropriate things to me. That's when I kicked him in the nuts knocked him cold and ran. "Where's Paul?" I asked Matt while hugging him. He let me go and pointed to him. He had a blooded broken nose. I ran over to him and hugged him. Crying he was hurt. "Who did this?" I asked him through the tears. "Why don't you ask your brother!" He said as I pulled away and he stood up. I looked at him. The cops had cleared out. "CONNOR!" I lunged at him. Arms stopped me.

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