Victim and Kiss

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*Sams POV*

"Paul. Ill go cook us something. I'm hungry. I never finished my food earlier." He nodded as I stood up. I walked to Connors room to ask him if he wanted anything. I knowvked on the door and walked in. "Connor? Connor!? Why you crying?" He was staring at his phone on his bed. I sat next to him and put my arm around him. Waiting for him to talk through the sobs. "They. They're back. In the videos. On my socials. Abusing me. You. Mom. Dad. Matt everyone." He passed his phone and showed me. Everything. 'You don't deserve this job. Or a life. Aha' I was angry by that. I stood up and thought of a plan. I pulled out my phone. Just as Matt was calling me. "Sam. You and Connor have to come over now. We've seen it. We need the truth. Now." I looked at Connor. I had the call on speaker. "We'll be right over." I said with hesitation in my voice. I hung up the call and went to the living room. "What. What did he do to you!" Paul was angry as he looked at me crying. "What! Paul. Get out! I don't want to talk to you!" He looked at me. Confused. "Get out!!" He stormed out slamming the door. Connor came out confused. "Where's he off to?" He asked. "He was annoyed and thought that you hurt me. I told him to get out." He looked shocked. "But. I thought you and him were getting on well. You loved him I thought." "I don't want to talk or think about it with my brother. Especially at this time." I grabbed Connors truck keys and chucked them to him. He walked out and I followed. Another silent drive. Until we arrived. "Wow. I never thought it was this big." He mumbled. I stepped out and reluctantly knocked on the door. Amanda opened the door and let us in. I saw Matt at his dining table looking at his phone. "Matt?" He looked up at me and Connor. Upset. "Sit." He said with no emotion. Connor started speaking. "When I was in school. I was bullied a lot. For protecting sam and for other reasons. I ran away once I graduated as I couldn't bare seeing them. I met one of them a couple of months ago. I never told them anything. They tormented me. That's why I didn't come into work for a bit. I didn't feel safe. Then they found my socials. They found the channels. They abused us." He fell silent. I felt tears in my eyes. I knew these people. "What I never told you." He said standing up and lifting his shirt. "They done this to me." He showed us a large scar. "That's what tipped me over the edge." I burst out crying and Amanda hugged me. Although I'd only met her once she seemed nice. Her videos inspired me a lot. Matt stood up and hugged Connor. "Sorry. I overreacted. Do you want us to help with anything." Matt asked. "Yeah. Just block them. They'll give up after a while. I've moved on. I can do that again." He nodded as I walked over to Connor. He engulfed me in a hug. "So the truth is known." I nodded. I stopped crying because I slightly relaxed. (If you are wondering. Sam was kidnapped at around 5:30. She came back at about 6:30. They started the truth as soon as they got home. It is now around 8pm.) suddenly a rumble came from outside then a flash. Then suddenly heavy rain. "I'm not letting you go home in this. Your staying here." Amanda said like my mom. "Sure." Me and Connor both said. I still needed to apologise to Paul. I overreacted. But I'll do that tomorrow. I have to rest. I've had an eventful day.


I didn't sleep. Greeeeeaaaaaatttttt. I walked into my office. I noticed Paul's door. Shut tight. I had to talk to him. Just when. Matt took me into his office. "So after yesterday. I want you to work conjoined with me and Paul. Paul needs the help and you two are close. Right?" He looked at me. "Well. When you phoned me I'd just talked to Connor about the bullying. We were both crying. He thought Connor hurt me and then I overreacted." Matt hugged me. "Go apologise. He feels bad too. He's just scared to tell you." I nodded and stood up wiping the tears away. I knocked on his door. "Paul?" I said opening the door. He stood up and hugged me. "Sorry. Sam I overreacted." "So did I." We came apart and kissed. Passionately on the lips. I forgot I left the door open. "Ew. Get a room." It was Matt and Connor. Connor looked at me and smiled. He finally seemed happy for me. I smiled at him and pecked his lips. Heading back to my office. I slumped in my chair. Gleaming. Wow. He's a great kisser. I opened my emails and went through the emails for matt. Forwarding the special ones. There was one that stood out though. 'We have an interest in your PA she doesn't have a clean record and we don't think she should be working for you. She doesn't deserve a job. Nor does her bratty brother.' Accordingly some lawyer firm. "Matt!" He ran in. He saw me crying and looked at my monitor. "Hey. Don't listen to that. Right look." He opened up the browser and typed in the company's name. "Look. LYPD are looking for them. They're fake." He moved my head to look at me. "Why. Would. People do that. What have I done."

Open Road (Paul Googly Eyes)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang