The truth. Or at least part of it.

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*Sams POV*

Arms stopped me. I felt blood run down my shoulder. From Paul's cut. Connor was cowering back. Matt was staring at me. I was still. Time froze. I moved from Paul's arms and walked around. Everyone frozen but me. I walked around them all. They were scared sad. Thankful. Thankful I'm alive. Scared for me. Paul. Connor. Sad. At my reaction. I overreacted.
I slid into Paul's arms as the time started again. It was like an out of body experience. It made me think differently of what I was about to do it. "Connor?" I got out of Paul arms and bear hugged him. I'm still crying. Today has been horrible. "Can we go home now con?" He nodded and took me to the car. The car ride was silent but filled with noise. Sobs.
I got in and walked to the couch. Although I hadn't eaten I couldn't eat. Through all of Connors begging I couldn't eat. I just sat wrapped in a blanket with Connors arms around me. Like when I first came. I stared at the tv. The dark tv. The off tv. Blank. That's what I was. Connor sat on his phone. He seemed to be texting. "So who's the lucky girl?" I joked trying to lighten my spirits. He just stared at me. "Well someone needs some fun. Food?" Something washed over me I was hungry and suddenly different. I ran to the kitchen and I made us some bacon. I walked back to him to eat. He now looked blank. I put the plate on top of him and sat and eat. In silence. Staring at him. We needed to talk. "Connor?" He looked up at me. "Should we talk ?" He nodded. "I ran off. Because *sighs* I had an awful thought that if you never left me then. Our parents would still be alive. I'm sorry. But can you explain why you left." He looked at me shocked then he nodded. "In school. I was bullied. A lot. I was too scared to tell you because I thought you would laugh at me. And one day it got worse. I got threatened and teachers were saying things about me. I had to wait for graduation so when I did I left. I couldn't stay and be put down by others. Every day you remember me coming home. I wouldn't talk to any of use. I would eat then go to my room. I stopped going to hockey I couldn't be seen by anyone. I lost weight and one day I decided to leave. I left a note in the middle of the night. I booked a flight to LA and a hotel room and I found a college to study at. I stayed there until I got this house here. I got my job at Lowes and then met the hi5 studios guys then I got the job there." He went silent as I stared at him. "5 years." I mumbled. "5 years I didn't have a brother. You know I was bullied too. I was different. Everyone hated me. I was too smart for them. You left and I got scared. You. You were my person I hid behind you stood up for me. Then you hid from me! You left me!" I was crying as Connor stood up. He looked angry. "I was bullied because of YOU! Cause I stood up for you." I was cowering back as he stood over me. "I needed you." I said to him. I jumped into his shoulders. He reluctantly put his arms around me. This hug. It reminded me of when I was young. He would always hug me. Reassure me in life. He was there for me. "I'm sorry." We said in unison. "I. Thank you for at least accepting me back. I was scared you were going to avoid me." "How could I hide from my little sis. Mom and dad told me use were coming. You sent that mail so I could find you. That's why I was confused where they were." I nodded and sat back down as did he. The door went so I stood up to get it with Connor right behind me. I guess he was scared something similar to tonight happened. But the police told us they'd got the guy. He came looking for me when we'd left. I opened the door to see Paul. He smiled to see me but then cowered back seeing his best friend behind me. "Hey buddy." Connor said awkwardly. "Come in." I let him past me following him. "We'll finish our talk later. Be nice." I said to Connor sitting down. "So. How you feeling after today." Paul asked me. "Still shaken. I won't let it stop me though." He smiled as I snuggled into him. He put his arm around me. Connor looked at me strangely. I darted the same look back. "So how's you. With the punch and all." I said the last bit awkwardly. "Fine. Amanda cleaned me up. I thought I should come over or see how your doing. "You can stay if you want." I heard Connor stay. Paul looked at me. "Sure." I turned on the tv. "We never really got to finish our 2nd date." I said gleaming while looking at my date. "Well. I forgot to ask." Connor looked at me. And then walked out of the room. "Will you be. My girlfriend?" I looked at him. "Of course." I said as Connor walked in the room. I kissed his cheek. "And I'm leaving again. If you need me. Ill be in my room." He said with a slight hesitation. Me and Paul just laughed. I'm slightly confused by connor. I will talk to him about it later. Or tomorrow. Anyway. Let's settle in for a night of snuggles and movies. My dream night.

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