Change and Hate

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*Sams POV*

I walked out of the office beating my anxiety. I heard Kevin shout for me but I continued walking. Into matts office. I knocked. "Come in." I walked in. I suddenly trusted Matt again. "Matt can you help me with something." He nodded and I sat down. "Em. Earlier." I was stuttering. "Kevin. Was hitting on me." He looked at me shocked. "Ask Connor he was there. I don't want it to happen." He nodded and went to get Connor. He brought him in and sat him next to me. Holding my arm. "Connor. Is it true that Kevin was hitting on Samantha here." Connor nodded and Matt stood up. "Sam stay here. Connor come with." I sat there and heard shouting from downstairs and then I saw Kevin walk out. What had I done.

*Matts POV*

"Kevin. GET OUT!!"

*Sams POV*

I sat back down waiting for them to come back. I heard the door open and looked around to see someone new. I felt relaxed though. He looked nice. "Paul" he put out his hand and I shook it. "Hi." He looked at me. "I'm Connors friend and partner in crime. If you ever need me. Ill be in the room just there." He pointed as he walked out and Connor walked in. "Ready to go home." I nodded and packed up my stuff. I'd suddenly gained confidence with Paul and Matt. Let's just see how tomorrow goes.


I walked in and went to my room. Putting down my bag and walking back downstairs. "Hey con. Do you have Paul's number?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Yeah. Here?" He passed his phone over to the counter giving a confused look. "Yesss!" I whispered walking to my room. "I heard that!" Connor shouted to me. "Yes da!" I shouted back before stopping and running back into Connors arms. Crying. Hurt. "I miss him." I mumbled into his shoulder I heard him crying above me and I hugged him tighter. I let go and went to sit in my bed. I texted Paul. 'Hey. Connor gave me your number. Eh, you want to meet up for dinner one day.' I reluctantly sent it and sat back in my bed turning on YouTube. Since Connor showed me it I've loved it. I watch him (obviously) and the others at hi5. I've been enjoying watching Amanda's videos. She's helped me in things I thought I done well.
'Hey. Wanna come out after work tomorrow. Get a drink and dinner.' Paul texted me. I put my phone down and think. Wait. No I'm going. 'Sure. We can organise where tomorrow' I texted back. I put my phone down and jumped up on my bed and danced. Connor walked in. "Okay??" I fell back down. "What are you so happy about." He looked at me. "Me and Paul are going out tomorrow for dinner." He nodded and walked out. He looked angry for some reason. I stood up and went to get a shower before bed. I stunk. I needed it.

*At Work*

I walked in. Connor walked into our office and I went upstairs. Matt wanted to see me. I knocked and entered. "Hey. Matt you wanted to see me." He looked frustrated and he sat me down. "Right. I need help on my channel. Dave can't help. Mind helping." I nodded before he continued. "Right you'll get that office there and you'll pe my PA and assistant." I nodded and left the room. "Hey Connor" he looked at me. "I know the news. Good luck." He hugged me. "I'm literally just upstairs." I laughed he looked worried. "Hey. Don't worry. I'm in safe hands with Matt. I trust him you should too. Remember you when you didn't know him. I remember you fantising over him and me not knowing who he is." We both chuckle as I pick up my stuff and go back upstairs. I've got Bryan's old office since he's now in the team edge office. I walked up and put my stuff on my desk and sat down. I looked down to see a little girl walk in. I picked her up. "Hello." She giggled as a lady walked in. "Sorry. Oh hi. I'm matts wife. Amanda. This is Luna." She picked her out of my arms. I couldn't speak. Amanda looks so good in real life. "Hi. I've kinda watched everyone of your videos in the past week. You're amazing." I giggled embarrassingly as she looked at me. "Cool. That's awesome." She said as she walked in. I knocked my head on the table. Annoyed at my embarrassing comment. Matt walked in. "I see you met my wife. She finds you cute. Also. You would make a good mum." I smiled at him as he left. Paul came in. "Can't I just get some. Oh sorry Paul." I scratched my neck embarrassed. I looked out the window to see Matt laughing then giving me a thumbs up. "So um. Where do you want to go tonight." I asked. "I have a plan." He looked at me suspiciously and walked out. "Meet me downstairs at 5." He shouted as he walked into his office. Matt swung into my office. Closing the door and closing the blinds. He sat down. "So um. Sam. What's going on between you and Paul?" He looked at me seriously. "What. Can't 2 workmates have a dinner together. As friends?" I laughed. "You sure just as friends?" He looked serious. "Maybe. I don't know. He's cute and he seems nice." I laughed and then turned red. "Well. I'm next door if you need anything." He walked out and I turned around. This time i had no interruptions. I was so embarrassed with myself. I think. "I love him." I mumble as the door opens. "Em what did you say. Who?" Connor had walked in. "Eh. Nothing. Leave me be." He turned me around. "If you are thinking of going out with anyone just stop." I stood up. "IM GOING IUT WITH PAUL TONIGHT WITHER YIU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" I ran out of the room and into the VR room. Locking the door. I noticed the room was empty so I put my headphones in and listened to my music. I couldn't hear anything outside. Thank god.

A/n sorry for a late update. I've been very busy and I start school on Thursday. Finally.

Open Road (Paul Googly Eyes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon