Chapter 4 - Out With the Guys

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We settled on an all American diner five minutes away from the hotel.

We got a large table, I was sitting opposite Jack and Jack with Nash and Carter either side of me. Matthew was on the other side of the table and I couldn't help but watch him constantly staring at me...



She looked gorgeous in simply a jumper and shorts with no make up. I know she's Nash's sister but I would love to get to know her better. Even just as a friend, she just seems like such a lovely person. But I can't take my eyes off of her...



I ordered a meat pizza, thinking it was going to be much smaller than it was, but I swear it could have fed the entire group.

"So Payton" Taylor started from a few seats down. "What do you think of the group? Would you wanna be part of the Magcon boys?" He paused "yeah we might have to think of a new name now" everyone laughed.

"Yeah I think everyone's great, I'm just excited for the next few months now" I said, finishing my mouthful of pizza.

There was silence whilst everyone was eating, we were all so hungry from the flight. The boys were shocked I had finished the whole pizza.

"Wanna come with us to the beach?"
Said Jack and Jack, almost in unison.

"You know guys, it's late. I'm just gonna head back to the hotel." I said, standing up.

"I'll walk you" shouted Matt from the other side of the table next to Cameron.

"Okay cool" I said. He stood up and walked towards me.

We walked out and started moving towards the hotel. It was 9pm and the sun was down, I was so cold I started shivering.

"Here" matt said "have this".

He handed me his jacket, it smelled amazing, I put it close to my face because it was so warm and soft inside.

He started laughing and put his arm around me.

We made small talk all the way to the hotel until we reached our rooms.

"You gonna be alright on your own?" He said when we reached out door.

"Yeah, I'm pretty jet lagged so I need to catch up on some sleep" I replied.

I hugged him tight and opened my door.

"Thank you Matt" I said before I walked in.

He winked at me and went into his room next door.


Half an hour went by and I really couldn't sleep. I decided to knock on Matts door.

He answered with a huge smile.

"What's up Payton?" He asked.

"I really can't sleep and I hate being on my own, wanna catch up with the rest of the boys at the beach?" I asked.

"Sure" he said "let me just grab my coat.

He paused, realising I was still wearing it.

"Want it back?" I said laughing.

"Naa it's cool" he said, looking me up and down. "Looks better on you anyway."

He grabbed one of his Magcon hoodies and we walked out.

"so Payton, you glad to be here with us?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, it's been a great 6 hours so far, when Nash first told me he wanted me to come I got annoyed. I thought I was going to be left out by everyone because I'm not really part of the group, but already it's like a family" I said.

"Don't worry, the guys definitely love you." He reassured me.

By this point we had reached the beach.

"PAYTON" Nash and Cameron screamed, they ran over to me, picking me up and running towards the sea with me.

"GET OFF OF ME" I shouted.

It was no use, they threw me in the water, thank god in had taken matts jacket off before.

I was soaked. Thanks guys.

I'm Nash's SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora