Chapter 30 - New Girl

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I was cuddled with Mahogany on the sofa watching Magic Mike when we heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted.

"Open up and find out" shouted back a very familiar voice, from the other side of the door

I opened the door to be greeted by Cam, Nash, Carter, Matt, Shawn, Aaron, Jack and Jack. I wasn't expecting them here but I love spending time with them, so this is perfect.

"Come in guys the movie just started." I welcomed them all in.

They all came and found their place on the sofa and on the floor, I found as many blankets as I could for all of us.

Just as we all got comfy the door knocked again.

I opened it to see Taylor.

"Hey Payton! How are you?" He said, giving me a big hug... What?

"I'm good... You?" I replied cautiously.

He found a spot on the floor next to Aaron and Shawn.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks from the lobby, anyone want some?" I replied.

"I'll help you" Taylor said, jumping back up and waking towards the door with me.

"Just get loads of Cola" Mahogany shouted.

"Ok cool, let's go Taylor" feels weird saying that, but whatever.

"We started walking down the hallway in an awkward silence.

"So you gonna tell me what's going on or..?"

He looked at me and smiled.

"So there's this girl..." He said in a cliché loved up voice.

"Taylor that's amazing! What's her name!?" I asked in amazement.

"Inès, she's brilliant! I only met her today at the meet and greet and I already want to see her again!"

"Invite her round, I want to meet her!"

"She's with her friend... Cassie I think her name is? They're staying in the hotel tonight."

Oh for his sake, out of all the people in the world she had to be friends with this Cassie girl...

"Get her round! But there's not enough room for both of them" I said sneaky, no way am I having that girl in my room!

"Really?" He asked. "You sure?"

"Course! It's about time you find someone now!"

"Thank you Payt" he hugged me, I hugged him back after a few seconds.

"You're welcome"

"No, thank you, seriously!" He said with a serious face.

"What do you mean?"

"Thank you for teaching me what it's like to be in love with someone, and letting me learn how not to get hurt in the future"

We walked in silence.

"I could say the exact same thing to you." I smiled. "I hope this girl treats you as well as you deserve".


Back at the room, everyone was getting into the movie, all the guys seemed to not care about the fact the movie was about male strippers...

There was a knock at the door.

"Guys this girl Inès is at the door, okay?" I said. "This is Taylor's new bae, be nice!"

They were all happy to hear this and started hitting Taylor playfully and making kissing noises.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted, with my hand on the door handle.

I opened the door, to see Inès, who was absolutely stunning. And Cassie... Who also was stunning. The bitch..

"Come in girls" I said.

"We can't believe we're here, thank you so much for having us!" Inès said, she's the sweetest girl ever.

Inès found her way next to Taylor, and Cassie sat next to me on the sofa.

"It's nice to see you again" I said to Cassie.

"Oh my god no, it's amazing to see you, you're like my idol I can't believe I'm in your hotel room!" She said, with her hand over her mouth, observing the room.

I guess she's a little sweetie.

"That's so sweet, thank you!"

We sat under a blanket together and enjoyed the movie.

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