Chapter 34 - Should Not Have Done That

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I woke up in Taylor's arms, I checked my phone, 7:30pm. I had been asleep for almost 2 hours. Taylor was still asleep.

What the hell have I done? I've used Taylor as a rebound.

What the fuck!

Checking my phone I saw I had seven new texts, of course they were all from Cameron.

Cameron: Payton, please come see me, I need to talk to you about this

Cameron: Payton, please baby

Cameron: I love you more than anything in the world and I would never want to hurt you, I'm so sorry

Cameron: You can't go on ignoring me forever

Cameron: Fine, whatever, I don't even care.

Cameron: Wait that was a lie, I do care and I haven't stopped crying and Carters getting pissed off now so I think you should help me be happy

Cameron: Ok, let's sort this. Meet me in the lobby at 7:30, I have somewhere we can go.

I didn't reply, I wanted to leave him hanging.

Do I turn up? Do I stand him up?

Do I give in? Do make him wait?

I walked into the bathroom to clean my face. After letting the water run over me I took a long look in the mirror.

I decided I should go, I should hear what he has to say, get the answers I deserved.

I quickly got my black Magcon hoodie and leggings, put them on with my hair tied back and walked to the lobby.

Much to my surprise he wasn't there.

I decided to sit down for a few seconds and see if anything happened.

"Payton, I can't believe you came" said a shook up voice from behind. I didn't look at him, but I knew who it was.

He came and sat down next to me, again no eye contact made.

"Why did you come?"

"I need answers"

He took my hand and we walked out the front of the hotel doors. He took me to the beach and sat me along a high wall facing the water. It was silent. You couldn't see anyone for miles.

"What do you want to know? I'll be so honest about it, no more secrets I swe-"

"Tell me everything Cameron, everything about this girl"

There was a moment of silence as our eyes met to reveal his tear stained cheeks and red eyes.

"She's a fan, I didn't know her before the meet and great and that's the honest truth. Taylor saw her talking to me and saw that she gave me a piece of paper with her number on it, when I went to throw the paper in the bin he stopped me and told me to keep it. That night I spent with Taylor, Inès and Cassie was so innocent, I hated being there and I hated being without you, I slept on the sofa and Cassie slept in a completely different room and all I could think of was how much she isn't you but every time I went to leave Taylor stopped me and reminded me that I need to be a wingman for him and do as a good best friend would do."

I'm not sure wether this is bullshit or not but it hurts more than I expected, just hearing her name gives me chills down my spine.

"Then at the party" he continued. "Inès calls Taylor and said she needed me and him to come round for the night, Inès wanted to do 'it' with Taylor. I freaked out and said no way, but he made me, literally! He reminded me how I always say I'd do anything for my fans... Then he reminded me that he knows you still love him, and if I didn't do what he wanted he could have you back in a heartbeat"

What the fuck... This is all Taylor?

"Payton please" Cam continued "this was all Taylor, first he told me to keep Cassies number, then to stay at her room, then he wanted me to sleep with her! I hated every moment of it and I need you back please" he began crying hard. "I'm a mess without you, I feel like I've lost my other half, my best friend since birth, I need you"

I began crying although my face showed no emotion. I should have known.

"Cam, I forgive you" I said, reassuring him. "But we should be friends"

"Anything, I'll do anything, but I'll always love you"

I smiled, wiped away his tears and kissed his cheeks.

"I have to sort something out now, I'll see you round"

I stood up and walked away, leaving him sitting there.


I threw my hotel door open to see Taylor sitting on the couch on Twitter.

"Hey baby, where were you? I was worried" he asked, hugging me from behind, topless.

"I was with Cam actually" I said quietly, walking away from his grasp.

"What were you doing with him? You don't need him, I'm going to fix you, not him..."

"Cut the bullshit Taylor"

"What the fuck Payton?"

Both our faces dropped.

"Taylor why? Why would you make Cameron do all that shit with Cassie? I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry I hurt you, okay? If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. I loved you, but you hurt me! I was there for you and you hurt me, but no amount of pain I could have ever caused you is worth this, this has killed me and I thought you still cared about me, but that's crap! You don't hurt the people you care about Taylor!" I was almost screaming at this point.

"What the fuck! Payton, I'm sorry okay, I did it because I love you! I was testing him to see if he deserved you, look how easy he gave in to the temptation of being with Cassie!" He came closer. "I, love, you, okay? I want to be with you, I would never hurt you like he has, you just need to believe me, we could be so perfect, just like we use to be".

he began playing with my hair and looking into my eyes, it's almost impossible to reject him when he does that. He knows my weaknesses.

"Taylor I could never be with you now, I love you, I always will but I can't be with someone like this, someone to sly and manipulative! God only knows what you're capable of"

"Payton I would never hurt you!"


He started getting angry, I could see his fists clench.

"You should go Taylor"

He started walking out the door and stopped, turned round and faced me.

"I'll always love you Payton" he whispered.

"Just go Taylor". I said, about the close the door before his hand stopped my force.

"Forever" he said.

"Forever's over"

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