Late Nights by the Lake

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It was a cool summer night. I snuck out of my bedroom window when my parents were asleep.
He only lived a few blocks away and I already knew the route.
Unfortunately it has started to rain during my journey down the street.
Pouring. By. The. Buckets.
By the time I made it to his house, I was sopping wet. I managed to find a rock on the ground; to throw at his bedroom window.
He opened his window, looking around until I whisper- shouted: "Patrick! Hey! Down here!" I jumped so he would notice me
"What are you doing?" He looked down
  "Oh, just admiring your front yard!" I sarcastically replied
  "Just let me in!" I laughed
"Be right down." He closed the window
I walked to the front door. He opened it, led me inside and up the stairs. He closed the door behind us once we got to his room.
"Good surprise, huh? " I smiled at him
I giggled taking off my wet clothes, as he sat on his bed. Now I was just in my black lace lingerie, and I didn't know what to do with my wet clothes. "Um.." I picked up the sweater and jeans I wore [on my way] here.
"I'll take those" he took my clothes out of his room and to what I presume was the dryer.
I sat on his bed and noticed some comics on his side table. I picked one up and started reading it. He came back in, and joined me.
"I see you've found my X-men."
"Ah, yes." I giggled, though I knew very little about comics.
Set the comic book back on the side table, where the lamp also was, so I turned it off.

He was laying in the centre of the bed, and so, I straddled his lap, and started to kiss him oh so passionately. He moaned into my mouth; allowing my entrance. My tongue explores his mouth, as his did mine, sometimes both ours making contact, and the occasional moan that came from one of us.
I'd been grinding against him, and he'd been holding on my hips, allowing him to thrust [his hips] to create more friction.
I took my tongue out of his mouth, and pushed his back into his own mouth too. I kissed him and lightly bit his bottom lip. "Hey Patrick," I said between soft kisses
"Can I borrow a shirt?"
  "Second drawer."
It was dark, except for the moonlight coming in through the window.
I managed to score a t- shirt from Fall Out Boy's  "Take This To Your Grave" tour.
I spotted a pair of basketball shorts hung behind the door, and slipped those on as well. I jumped on the bed, giggling "Hey, can I show you something cool?"
  "Okay.." He was cautious because to be quite honest if I were him; I would be too.
I opened his door, and pulled him out of the bed.
  "Shh.." He warned me, Going ahead, but holding my hand, bringing me behind him. He led me down the stairs and we put shoes on. He got his sweater though I felt I didn't need one.
I laced our fingers together, and skipped down the street, though he was power-walking in attempt to keep up with me.
We stopped about a mile away from his house. A lake I knew well. Our gazes locked, our hands held, fingers intertwined. We kissed but it meant something. It wasn't desperate, nor will it lead to sex. It was a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. And expression of love. I held his hand, and lead him to the water.
I stripped, and was now back in my lingerie, though he didn't undress.
  "I don't know.." He seemed scared, worried even.
"C'mon. Don't be scared. It's fun!" I assured him. I then stripped him of his shirt, after taking his sweater. I kissed him. I unbuckled his belt, and surprised that I pulled away, he looked at me with those glassy green-blue eyes that glistened in the moonlight.
"So... Yes?" I still held his hands.
"Y-yeah!" He was no eager to take off his jeans, and hat and follow me into the blue, know that he had another impression of my intentions. We hopped in the shallow lake; I pulled him on top of me, as we started making out right then and there. We made our way to the deeper area, and began to swim more than kiss.
He splashed me and swam away laughing.
"Hey!" I laughed and splashed water back at him till he tackled me in the water. We both cracked up laughing hysterically. We stayed there for a while, till he said to me: "'Bout time we get back?"
"Yeah." I smiled to him, kissing him softly, a last time. We got out and put our clothes back on, making our way back to his house. We got inside and up the stairs trying to not make any noise; entering his room. We both had to dry off, and he then let me borrow more clothes. I wore his boxers with an old T-shirt of his.

I climbed into bed with him and kissed his cheek. He kissed my forehead letting me doze off into sweet dreams; just like this one.

Fedora up my ass (Patrick Stump Smut/Fluff/oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now