Dance Miserables

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Pat and I have been really close friends for a while now. I think I'd consider him my best friend at this point; we could tell each other anything, and knew each other, better than we knew ourselves.
Pat seemed to keep to himself a lot. I was the wild one who always convinced him to come along with me for an adventure. Tonight I  wanted to have a night of fun, and get my best friend out of his comfort zone just a little bit.
It was 10pm when I showed up at his doorstep.
I knocked on the tall, oak door ever so anxiously.
The door opened to reveal the short blond in a casual t-shirt and jeans.
"Oh, hey." He smiled,
"Should I be surprised you're here at this hour?"
I chuckled thinking about all the other random appearances I've made at his doorstep for no particular reason.
"No, don't be surprised."
I said, letting myself in.
I'd been over enough times to not have to ask to come in, nor wait to be welcomed inside; it was like my second home.

I stepped into the living room, to see his laptop and a bunch of papers scattered in the area. He was of course, a workaholic.
"Oh, Patrick; working? At this hour?" I laughed, taking a seat on the leather couch; glancing at his laptop, and what he'd been working on.
"Well, I've got stuff to do ya know." He explained.

Sometimes I'd mock him, for being so responsible, but I really did admire that about him in a way, and almost envied him for having that trait I didn't have.

"Patrick, you work too hard. You need to let loose, and have fun."
"I can't let loose or have fun when I have work to do." I knew I wasn't going to let him turn me down.
"Come along, Patrick." I got up and made my way to his room. Again, I'd been here so many times, it was like my second home. I knew this place well.
He groaned as he followed me into his own room and sat on the bed.
"What is it?" He whined
"Pat. You're going to enjoy yourself tonight. You. Will. Have. Fun." I told him.

I guess I was somewhat dominant, in a way, and although he knew I never meant to be bossy, he just needed that extra push. I opened his closet, and started to pick out his outfit.

"Ugh, why are you like this?"
"Like what? Fun? Spontaneous? I always convince you to have fun and hang out with me. Hey, it's not a crime to want my pal to engage in social events and activities."
I really wanted him to get out there, maybe find someone, but he was such an introvert.

He didn't say anything.

I set the clothes down, and turned to him. Even when we'd disagree, I'd never take it to heart. Of course, we were too close to do that.

"I'm sorry. If you don't wanna go, that's fine. I won't force you Pat."
I looked down, almost ashamed of myself. Did I make him uncomfortable? I only wanted him to have fun.

He thought for a minute. There was a moment of silence, which usually was comfortable between the two of us, but was not now. I was about to leave, when he suddenly called me back:
I turned to him
"Yeah?" I wouldn't be mad if he didn't go, and he knew that I could never stay mad at him at all.
"Where are we going?" He smirked, knowing what my  reaction would be. I ran back into the room, overjoyed.
"Wait, you're really coming?!"
He nodded "Well, yeah. But only if you tell me where I'd be going."
"A dance club!"
"Oh." he nodded unsure of himself.
"Or, ya know, a gay club.."  I started.
He wasn't hesitant in saying: "NOPE. Dance club is fine." I started laughing, and headed for the door. 
" 'Kay then, get dressed so we can go."
I closed his door, and made my way to the bathroom.

I had arrived earlier in casual attire. I brought a side bag with me that included an outfit to go to the club in, and some makeup.
I pulled the clothes out of my bag, and put them on. I had black denim short-shorts over charcoal tinted pantyhose, and a loose, mesh short sleeve blouse; revealing the black lace bralette I had on underneath.
I applied some dark red lipstick and let my hair down.
I finally slipped on some black heels, and left the bathroom.
I used a spritz of a shimmery body spray I had in my bag, and checked the mirror one last time.
Just then, behind me, a dressed Patrick appeared. I noticed he was wearing the outfit I had picked out for him.
"Who are you, and where is my best friend?" He whistled.

Since we met, Patrick never knew me to be girly girl. And I wasn't. I never wore makeup or dresses.
Though I wasn't too formal now, he still rarely saw me dressed up at all.
"Hey!" I laughed and fixed his collar.
"You look good, Pat." I complimented him.
"So do you." He smiled.

"Shall we be going?" I asked him
"We shall." He countered.
I pulled out my phone and turned to Pat: "Uber?"
"Sure." He agreed


The uber didn't take long to arrive. We hopped in the SUV and were soon at the dance club.

The city was lit up. The city that seemed dull during the day, came to life at night.
All kinds of different people out; not much of the same that are out during the day.
The crowd around the club was loud, and vibrant. Some of the people were very much intoxicated, but not quite drunk.
They all seemed so care-free.
This is why I wanted to take Patrick here.
As I was observing, I was snapped out of my thoughts.
Patrick looked anxious, and I knew nothing good was going to come of this.
"Don't look now, but your ex is here." He subtlety cautioned me.

There she was, with her group of first class buddies. Looking glamorous as ever, and pretty damn gorgeous. Her perfect posture, her silky long hair... And that smile. All the memories started to come back to me. They came pouring into my mind like a flood, and I couldn't stop it. I try to remember the good times, in attempt to forget about the bad; but now, seeing the bad anyways. And I'm reminded of what she did to me.

But there she was. Glamorous, happy, and not a care in the world. Not giving a shit about who's life she nearly fucked up. No remorse. She really has never felt guilt, or sorrow. Because she's brung it onto others, but god forbid someone try to put her in her place...
There's only one way that will go. And she only wanted her way.
But now she's moved on, and forgotten about her past crimes.
I eyed the man she was accompanied by.
Typical, cliché, rich guy; who probably drives a Bentley, and has a bachelor pad the size of a few football fields.
I bet he's an ass.
He seems like one anyways.
Though, I should be the last person on earth to judge.

I rolled my eyes, and shrugged it off.
"I'm not gonna let her ruin my-- or I mean our night."
"Are you sure..." He looked a little worried.
Patrick knew about my history with her, and was protective of me, because he saw firsthand, what she was capable of.
I nodded. 
"It's fine.. I'm fine. I just don't care anymore, Patrick."
I know he wanted to make sure I was okay, but honestly... I can't stand when people are concerned for me. I appreciate that he cares, I know he does. He always did. But I don't want to think about it anymore. I've been trying to forget for the longest time. I want everyone else to forget it too.

"If you say so." He answered. Patrick knew that there was nothing else he could say.

"I just want to have fun tonight." I assured him. He nodded.
It was true. I didn't want to think about my ex. Not tonight. I wanted to show Patrick a fun night. Not a boring, sad one.

The line quickly shortened, and the club was letting more and more people in.

I let out a hot breath before stepping into the club, mentally preparing myself for what [was] to come.

Truth is, nothing could prepare me for tonight... Not even a fortune teller...

Fedora up my ass (Patrick Stump Smut/Fluff/oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now