Dance Miserables Pt.2

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It was hot in the club, due to the closeness of all the bodies. Music that I don't know was playing. I turned to Patrick, and there he was; my best friend willing to endure anything for the sake of friendship. Though this isn't our usual scene, we thought to get in on the dancing, forget our worries, and have a good time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could still see her, all over him. Dancing with him the way she used to dance with me. Ugh. Gross. How did I ever fall into her trap?

"I'm going to get us some drinks, 'kay?" I told Patrick.

"I'll wait here, I guess."

I strutted over to the bar, flipping my hair behind my back, and immediately leaning on the bar.

"Can I get two shots of tequilla rose? "
I smiled to the bartender.

He was young and seemed eccentric.

"Comin' up!" he started to make the drinks.

I looked back over to where Patrick was and to my dismay, he wasn't alone.

It was a disgusting display, and I was appalled by her audacity to be all over Patrick now.

Before I could be sent into a massive rage, two shot glasses hit the surface of the bar.

"Two shots of tequilla rose." I looked back up to the bartender and slammed some cash on the bar before taking both shots myself.

"This is gonna be one hell of a night."
He chuckled.

"Oh indeed." I sighed, and looked back at her all over my best friend.

What a manipulative bitch.

"These are on the house." The bartender slid my money towards me, smiling.

"Oh..thanks." I grinned.

"No problem." He winked.

There were a few other people at the bar that had just arrived, the bartender left me to serve them.
He seemed so confident, captivating, and kind. (try saying that three times fast)

I looked over my shoulder to where Patrick had been but he wasn't there anymore. I mean, she was still dancing but not with Patrick. She went back to her boy toy. Ugh. As I was scanning the room (because I'm suddenly Paul Blart), she made it a point to make direct eye contact with me. I quickly turned my head back around to face the bar so abrupt, the bartender looked to me "Geez.. Someone's antsy," he laughed

I sighed "Sorry, I just... I'd really like to order another tequilla please."

"Of course, doll." He grinned, both dark brown eyes glistening and glimmering in the bar light.

He picked up a shot glass from beneath the bar, as well as a bottle of tequilla rose, pouring a sufficient amount of alcohol in the small glass for me. The drink is slammed on the table.

"I'm Gabe, by the way."
"Why aren't you dancing? "

I guess I was caught off guard by how upfront he was.

"You know it's a dance club, right?" I chuckled,

"Maybe I'm not in the mood for dancing right now.."

"Happy or sad, dancing ain't a crime. Dance miserable I guess."

I sighed.

"Yeah, you're right.."

I got up from the bar and headed to the dance floor.

My favourite song was playing, and it was a song that I can't help but dance to.
I got Patrick to dance with me for a bit, we were getting into the music, while also goofing off with each other.

"Do you want another drink?" He asks

"I'm good."

"Okay, I'll be back. Don't use all your energy without me." he jokes

He heads over to the bar and orders his drink. A guy his age beside him starts chatting him up.
He has black hair, a lot of eyeliner, and is wearing a sweater with a emblem of a heart with bat wings.

I figure he'll come back soon, so I get back into the music.

As I'm dancing, a guy comes up to me to dance with me. He's a tall brunette with green eyes.

Are we going up, or just coming down, its only a matter of time before we're all found out

We dance to this song progressively getting closer, I actually forgot about Patrick. I'm sure he's fine anyways, its not like he usually even wants to come to clubs with me.

The best part of believe is the lie

Towards the end of the song as we dance closely, the unnamed dance partner starts to put his hands on my cheeks and move in for a kiss.

Abruptly, he's gone from my vision as Patrick pushes him off of me.
Breathing heavy and shocked I stood there for a moment staring in awe of him. That was until the guy got up and grabbed Patrick by the collar, dragging him over to the bar. I ran to try to stop the fight. My heart stopped when the man struck Patrick in the face.

The man who Patrick was talking to earlier was at the bar, saw this and fought back. He swiftly broke a beer bottle over the attacker's head. As the man stumbled to the ground, I hastily put Patrick's arm over my shoulder and walked him out of the club. I thanked the man who helped us before we exited.

"ouch.." he groaned, reaching for his cheek.

"ouch is right! what the hell happened in there?"

"You saw what happened, catch up."

"Pat, this so isn't like you.."

"Don't call me Pat. I don't like the way you see me. Tonight I finally did something right."

I was puzzled "What are you on about? How I see you? I don't and never did have anything against you. You're my friend and I care about you."

"That's the problem." He scoffs lightly


"y/n. Don't."
He came closer to me, my back now against the cold brick wall outside.

"I don't want to be your friend."

"Why? Did I do something?" He holds my hips and leans into me

"I've sat back and watched you with other guys and girls, and I can't go on this way. I wanna be something better than a friend to you."

I got a little nervous and excited. I felt myself getting red and my heartbeat getting faster.

"You do?"

He nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear. With our faces so close, he leaned in and so did I. He gently kissed my lips. When he pulled away I felt like I had just come off of a cloud or something poets would say.

"Does that make things clear." he whispered.

"mhm" I nodded.

He kissed me again, our lips locked and passionately holding each other.

"wow."I said exhaling
"This night really was eventful."

Better off as lovers and not the other way around.

Fedora up my ass (Patrick Stump Smut/Fluff/oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now