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(Hi! I've been gone long but this took me a while to write an I've been busy, but I wanna write more!       predacongem367 requested a demon/Patrick smut, hope y'all enjoy, and feel free to make requests and tell me what you think! Enjoy! 💜)

Tonight I'm pulling an all-nighter to get some work done, but I doubt I'll get it all done.
It's 11pm, and I've made no progress.
I'm feeling tired from all the work I've been doing today, though maybe a little nap will be helpful. No, no I've got to stay focused. I forced my now sensitive eyes to stare at my computer screen, just for the sake of trying to work. Ugh, but its much too straining. I wish I had something to help relieve all this stress.
I feel myself dozing off, and I try to lift my head for a while, in attempt to stay awake, but soon enough I feel my eyes become heavy, and soon enough, I'm fast asleep.
I squint my eyes open to find that I somehow made it to my bed. That's odd. I wonder how I got here? I look down my torso, and to my legs, and notice I somehow managed to slip out of my clothes as well, though I still had my undergarments on.
I peer over to the edge of my bed, to my surprise find some sort of creature standing there. Had they been just watching me sleep, standing over me? I felt this was all very questionable, though fear has stricken my body, and my nerves are absolutely out of control, and I'm frozen, laying here in my panties and bra, staring directly at some... Thing? Person?.
My breath hitched as he came into closer view; close enough to touch.

I could hear his low breathing, now as he was approaching closer and closer to me, and sat on my bed.
He held my gaze, and to my surprise I was entranced. I could not choose but listen.
"Don't be afraid." lifting my chin up by his finger, he hushed me, and pulled me closer.
"Who are you?" I manage to stutter. I observed his golden-dirty blonde hair, his fair and even skin, his surprisingly small stature; until he said
"I'm no evil demon, though you seemed to have feared me as if I were." I peered into his green-blue eyes, realizing, he didnt seem to look like any sort of evil creature.
His eyes pierced through me, and into my soul, as he said
"...but you no longer fear me, now?" He questioned me. I shook my head.
"Why were you afraid?" He intrigued.
I didn't know why. I had no reason to be afraid, thinking of it now. I had no answer for him.
I shrugged.
"Well you haven't anything to fear. I mean, you're not still scared are you?"
I shook my head.

"Patrick." He held out his hand for me to shake, as I took it, and introduced myself.
"What a lovely name" he kissed my hand, making me turn slightly pink in my cheeks.
"For a lovely girl." He complimented and kissed up my arm, nearly giving me goosebumps.
"Thank you." I whispered
"And gracious. I must say, miss..."
He looked up at me. He had blue-green eyes with a ring of gold around his dialated pupils.
"It is miss, right? Not Misses? Unless there's a mister...?"
I giggled.
"No, its miss." I smirked
"Ah, so miss, may I ask..."
"Hm?" I nod
He gently stroked my cheek, and held my face in his hands.
"May I, kiss, you my dear?"
"But, do I really know you? I mean, if this is our first meeting..."
"First meeting?" he laughed "We've met before, darling. You simply don't remember." He gave me a devilish smirk, which should have given me chills, should have made me want to run, and get away from him; it only pulled me closer. I knew this smile, it was familiar, and I had nearly regained some recollections of seeing this at the end of my bed previously.
          He was also calm, and charming. He was, sexy. And I liked it. I liked him. From the moment I'd seen him, he had a sort of confidence. I also had nothing to loose. But I was now getting hot. I stopped my thoughts quickly, and acted upon them.

Fedora up my ass (Patrick Stump Smut/Fluff/oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now