Emmett Collin~Goodbye

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I let out a loud yelp as a fist contacted to my face. Another beating,thats only going to end the same way. Me, passing out. Dream of my ex. Then wake up to my husband who will say how much he loves me and acts like it never happened.


His screams made my head pound 10x.
My vision started to spot. Not much longer. There was a loud crack. Then pain shot threw my arm. I didn't realized that i had put up my hands to shield my face. His laughter filled my head. His cold,husky laugh. He always took pride in braking something. Another hard punch to my head. My eyelids grew heavy. Slowly the room turned black. I was gone. Gone to my own secret world.

There i was .17. It seems i turned 17 ,years ago when it was only a year ago. I stood waiting in the middle of the woods. Waiting. Waiting for him.

"Hello love"

A pair of arms flew cross my body holding me close. I shivered. Cold. He was always cold. Yet so warm. My tummy started to do flips like they always do when he is around.

" Didn't think you would show." i mumbled

"Why wouldn't i?"

" Well maybe because your family hates me." Sighing

" Not true. Alic....."

"Alice is nice to everyone. Jasper is the same."


"Bella *laughs* She and Rose talks about me all the time. She hates me. Emmett for crying lot loud we have to meet 30 miles out of Forks in the middle of the woods!"

"What are you saying?"

" Emmett.... I love you. I never have felt this way before. But we cant be together. You just broke up with Rose a year ago. A month before we started dating. *sighs* Im moving. DON'T. Try and follow me. Emmett it will be the best for both of us."

"No. No. No. Please don't leave. We will work this out. I..... I..."

"Goodbye. "

"No. I .....'

"GOODBYE EMMETT! "I screamed closing my eyes.

As i reopened my eyes the world seemed darker. He was gone. After a few hours of me standing there. Stupidity waiting for him to come back even though i told him to leave. I started to walk back to my cheap car. With every step the more pain ran through me.

Thunder boomed up above me. Then the rain started to fall down.

That's were it ends. I move back to my hometown. My father sets up an arranged marriage and we both live happy lives. Well maybe Emmett does.

"My sweetie. Oh my sweet wife. I was going to make breakfast but well there is no eggs or milk or anything . Could you go to the store and get some. Dont run off with any of your old friends now." He smiled ,kissed my head, and walked out.

Oh did i tell you that i was back in Forks. He said he wanted a rainy place to write his really REALLY bad music. Yet everyone buys it.

I yelp as the pain ran through me. My left hand was dark blue and purple. I grabbed my jacket and wallet.

"Sweetie take your old car. So my fans wont know its you. Oh put your hair down"

I nodded and walked to the garage. Where he keeps is "ugly and useless" cars. Black SUV. Nope. Blue range rover. Nope. Green and black mustang. Nope. White. 1996 Honda Accord. Of course that would be mine.

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