Lee Qing's Lover? (Chapter 4)

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Just when Han Ming burst into Zhiwei's bedroom, he saw Lee Qing with puffy eyes and red cheeks, sitting on the bed. Just then, Han Ming asked, filled with concern, "Are you okay?"

LQ's POV: Ohmigosh! I didn't expect Han Ming to be here! I look like a total mess, and he's seeing me now in tears...

Before I could say a word, my heart was beating real quick. His one was, too. Then, he asked me:

HM: "Lee Qing, what happened?"

LQ: "Just now at school, Kean was saying something really mean about us. Then, I couldn't control myself... so I slapped him in the face out of anger..."

HM: "Kaneki told me that Kean was outraged! What will happen in school tomorrow?"
LQ: "I'm scared..."

Just after that, tears started to flow down my cheeks uncontrollably. Han Ming then used his hands to wipe my tears and said some really comforting words. This was just as I realised Zhiwei was secretly peeking at us from outside, and when Han Ming and I gave her a really pissed look, she giggled and closed the door, leaving the two of us alone.

HM's POV: Then, Lee Qing and I decided to go back home, as we didn't want to trouble Zhiwei and also because we are kind of late. So, we quickly left the house and thanked Zhiwei for everything, and I finally could apologise to her for shoving her aside just now.

As Lee Qing's place wasn't too close from Zhiwei's, I decided to walk her home. While we were on the way back, Lee Qing was tired, so I lent her my shoulder to lean on.

'' to be continued! remember to voteee! I will make chapter 5 later maybe in the evening? xiexie

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