Colin's Plan (Chapter 8)

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Now, Colin is going to make use of Han Ming's suspension from school to win Lee Qing's heart! Will his plan succeed? Read to find out!

LQ's POV: It's so different in school without Han Ming sitting beside me. I feel so upset, emo and lonely. Then, Mrs Ray decided to give us a whole Maths paper to do!

While I was using the maths paper, I realised that I forgot my Mathematical instruments! Oh no... and Han Ming isn't here, who am I supposed to borrow it from? Then, I realised I forgot my ruler, eraser and highlighter too! Usually, I would borrow these from Han Ming... maybe I'm too reliant on him?

I was trying to ask Jacky to lend it to me, but he was chattering away with Zhiwei. Then, I shouted across the class to ask Kaneki, but then before she could even hear me, Colin came up to me and asked me: "You need these?"

I smiled cheerfully at him, hiding all of my sadness of missing Han Ming inside me. Then, when Mrs Ray saw us, she said: "Colin and Lee Qing, what are you doing?"

Then, as usual, a handful of classmates were saying that Colin and I were together, and that I betrayed Han Ming.

In my defence, I said to Mrs Ray: "Mrs Ray, Colin was just lending me some Maths equipment for the Maths paper."

Then, Mrs Ray told Colin to move beside me so that it would be easier for me to borrow stuff from him. He went back to his seat and moved his bag here.

Colin's POV: Oh yes! Thanks to Han Ming's suspension, I have two weeks to steal his girl from her. It's like everything's working out!

Then, when I sat beside Lee Qing, my heart started to skip real quick. When I just sat beside her, I was admiring her chubby face for a moment and then, when she realised that I was staring at her, she waved her hand in front of my face, and asked me: "Ello?? Konnichiwa? Colin?"

I snapped out of my trance and just said that I thought that someone was looking at me. Then, she giggled and we continued doing the Maths paper. There were some really difficult questions and when I looked at her, all focused on her paper, I managed to copy a ton of her answers. Wow, this girl's smart!

Then, as the air-con was on and it was really cold, I sneezed and my mucus was all over my hand, which I used to block my nose just before I sneezed. Then, I asked Lee Qing, while trying to avoid ingesting any of my mucus: "Lychee, can you give me a piece of tissue paper, please?"

Then, she gave me a curious and cheerful look, asking me: "Wow, even you're calling me Lychee? Only my really close friends call me that... but we are close friends, right?"

I was deep in love when I heard her words. Then, she passed me a piece of tissue, and when I was about to wipe off my mucus, I could smell her hand in that piece of tissue. I really wanted to keep the tissue, so after I wiped off my mucus, I asked her for another piece.

She just passed it to me with a blur look. I kept it inside my wallet, just so that I could smell her. I know it's really mushy but that's who I am! Anyways, that one and a half hour of doing that Maths Paper was the best Maths period I have ever had.

LQ's POV: Woah, I don't know why, but am I starting to feel attached to Colin? No, no way! My heart only has a place for Han Ming...

Then when I was thinking of it, Colin asked me about a Maths question...

The end!
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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