Suspended? (Chapter 6)

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After that horrifying fight in class, Mrs Ray sent Han Ming and Kean to the General Office. Lee Qing, Zhiwei and the rest of the class were still terrified over what happened.

HM's POV: Oh my God. What have I just done? Kean and I exchanged glares at each other. I was really afraid but I didn't want to look like a pussy. Both of us were bleeding quite badly and I could feel the pain but when I think of Lee Qing, I thought that everything was worth it. When I met with the Discipline Master, he asked me why I did that, and I told him why but then I still received a huge scolding and our wounds were treated. At the end of the day, Kean and I apologised to each other, but we knew that it wasn't sincere.

Then, he told us that we have been suspended from class for two weeks and we have to go for counselling! I felt so hurt and was filled with regret. They gave us a warning letter and called our parents. By the time we left the office, school has already ended for over an hour and a half. I felt so upset until I didn't even want to play basketball anymore, but I knew that I would be scolded worse if I went back. Kean still went to play basketball, but I couldn't bear to see Lee Qing and tell her about me getting suspended.

While I was walking home, I saw one of my classmate, Jacky, and he was always at the bus stop waiting for a bus as he never wants to play basketball as he is bad at sports and he is just not interested. When he saw me, he asked me: "Han Ming, what happened?"

I told him all that happened at the General Office and also that I got suspended for two weeks. He was shocked by what I said and he told me to recover first and not be too upset. He also told me that he would tell Lee Qing about it later as he always calls her after school (hopefully not for flirting, of course) but I trust that he will explain it without making her too upset as I dare not meet her and tell her.

LQ's POV: Han Ming must be in big trouble now... what am I supposed to do?

Just then, Kean came and started to play basketball with us. He didn't really care about me but I try to avoid him. Many people asked him what happened but he didn't reply and continued playing. I thought that Han Ming would come too, but I suppose he is too upset over what happened and he went home straight, which is something he won't usually do.

When I reached home, I instantly grabbed my handphone and I saw that my friend, Jacky, called me 3 times but I didn't pick up. I called him back and when I asked him why he called me, he immediately told me comforting words and stuff to prepare me for the worst. I was confused why he told he all these things but then, I was shattered. Here's the conversation:

LQ: "Konnichiwa~, why did you call me?"

Jacky: "Erm, Lychee, do know that there are people in this world that love you"

LQ: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Jacky: "Get ready for the worst..."

LQ: "What is it? Just tell me!"

Jacky: "If you are going to cry after hearing this, I will cry with you, okay?"

LQ: "Get to the point already, I'm all ready for anything"

Jacky: "Han Ming and Kean got suspended for two weeks..."

Just as I thought I was ready for everything, I broke down into tears. Jacky told me that Han Ming didn't dare to tell me by himself, so he told Jacky to tell me all this.

Then, I told Jacky that I needed to calm down, so I hang up his call and went to my bed with a pillow in my face while I sobbed miserably.

Thx for reading this very sad part of the story! Remember to voteee (im gonna make another chapter tonight if I get 10 votes) but if not then tomorrow!!!
Btw, if you are not satisfied or you think that this story could be better, feel free to leave a comment! ;)

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