Kean VS Han Ming: The Fight! (Chapter 5)

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LQ's POV: When Han Ming walked me until I reached the lift lobby of my house, I decided to say goodbye to him as I didn't want my family to see me walking with him in case they get the wrong idea. Then, Han Ming suddenly moved his head really close to my lips, seemingly as if he was going to kiss me! But then, as my bag was just way too heavy, I slipped and before our lips could touch each other, he grabbed me by the hand and asked me, "Are you okay? You're so clumsy sometimes..."

It sounded as if he was really upset, and I was, too, as we could have kissed! Just when I was looking into his eyes while he was holding my hand, I heard a loud voice, "Qing! What are you doing?"

Han Ming and I froze in terror. When I realised that my sister was looking at us, mouth wide open, I rushed to her and begged her to shut up about this. Before my sister could do anything to Han Ming, I told him to go home quick and using my usual method with candy and money, I managed to buy my sister's silence, but she was smirking and giggling on the way back home, which really pissed me off but I didn't dare to do anything to her, just in case.

The next day... at 6a.m., when Lee Qing's alarm was deafening her eardrums.

LQ's POV: Erghhh! Can this stupid alarm just shut up? Just then, my sister, who sleeps in the room next to mine, burst into my room saying: "Sis, Han Ming is here!"

I snapped out of my trance and replied urgently: "What? Tell him to wait for a moment, I need to clean my face and get changed!"

After taking a quick 3-minute shower and brushing my teeth and all, I got into my school uniform, looking more ready than ever.

I went to my living room and was just about to ask my sister where Han Ming was. Then, my mother said casually: "Girls, time to go to school! Wow, Lee Xuan, you're good at waking your sister up!"

I was furious when I glared at my sister while she snapped back with a guilty smile and a giggle. Looks like my sister finally managed to wake me up just so she could go to school early to hang up with her best friends.

Then when we reached school...

When I reached school, I rushed straight to class, to see Han Ming sitting there, rushing through his homework. When he saw me, he blushed right away and helped me put my bag down. When I sat beside him, he suddenly sped up with his homework. It's as if I was an energy bar, which sped him up.

Then, my friend Kaneki burst into the classroom, then saying: "Am I interrupting something?"

I told her that it was nothing and then, she asked me concernedly if I was okay from the incident yesterday. When I told her I was fine, she told me worryingly that Kean was coming for his revenge. Just as half the class was in class already, either rushing through their homework or chattering around when Kean burst in, saying furiously: "Where is Lee Qing?"

I shrieked for a bit and when Kean looked at me with rage and walked towards me, Zhiwei, Kaneki and some of my friends stood in front of me to stand up for me. But then Kean was too fierce for all of them and when Zhiwei tried to scare him, he grabbed her by the collar tightly, and her eyes were filled up with tears when he decided to let go of her and get back at me.

Everyone was thinking that there was no way he would dare to hit me as I was a girl, but he pushed me by the stomach and I fell hardly onto the ground. I was crying like a baby when Han Ming kicked Kean in the ass, and stood up for me. Kean was so furious and he beat Han Ming up, even until his lips was bleeding.

Then, one of our classmates, Colin, used his karate skills and managed to resist Kean while the teacher arrives, and investigates the matter. Han Ming and Kean were sent to the office while Zhiwei, Kenaki and Colin came up to me and dried my tears. The other classmates were terrified and were murmuring about everything that just happened.

to be continued... hopefully tmr morning because now I'm dead tired.

thx for reading and remember to vote for it!

follow me or my instagram at @_.chryslerstarz._ for some updates and maybe some early content >D

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