• chapter 9 •

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• chapter nine •


We wished for the day to come faster, yet we weren't ready for it.



MARTHA asked me to deliver the boxes first thing in the morning. If it weren't for her, I could have my day off, sleeping instead.

" Young man, I know tomorrow is your off day but could you deliver this order to this address, for Anna. It is her son's birthday.  Jon can't make it. Gotta bring his daughter to the check up. " Martha asked me when I was cleaning the kitchen yesterday.

" Yeah, sure thing. " I said, reaching out for the paper she was holding. She thanked me and left the kitchen.

I got up from the bed and get changed. Washed my face, brushed my teeth and shaved. Walking out from my living area, I make sure that I locked the door before going to the bakery.

"  Morning, Martha. " I said as I entered the bakery. The old lady was arranging some freshly baked breads. White hair with few black streaks were nicely put into a bun. She looked up and smiled at me.

" Good Morning. The boxes are there. " Martha pointed to the boxes on the table. I nodded my head and start loading it to the bakery van.

Keeping my eyes in the road, I searched for the housing area written on the paper. This lady surely not just a simply lady. She lived in a housing area that have a security on the front gate. Judging by the houses around here, it looks like successful, rich business people place.

'If this lady is rich, why don't she order from some top chefs for the cakes? Yet, she only ordered at a small shop downtown. ' I thought.

I don't have a hard time searching for the house as only one house stands up amongst others. Filled with balloons everywhere. This kid was damn lucky and he turning seven. What kind of party will his mom do when he turn 16? 18? 21?

I pressed the doorbell and it was opened few second later.

I was stunned.

I was suffocating.

I can't breathe.

Out of everyone, it was her. My one and only. The love of my life. My knee felt weak. I missed her so much. Yet, I was the one who left her years ago. I was the one who broke her heart.

I didn't mean to do that, Julienne.

She was standing there, shocked. She can't masked away her emotion. She was so beautiful. Still am beautiful. The dress perfectly hugged her figure. She was a lot more thinner than before. Has she not been eating well? Was it because of me?

" Uh-um. I'm here delivering the cakes for Anna. " I cleared my throat. My voice were breaking. I felt like crying. My gaze was still kept at her.

" Th-that's me. " She replied. My heart broke as I heard her voice. I missed that voice so much.


FINDING JULIAN, SEARCHING ANNAWhere stories live. Discover now