• chapter 2 •

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• chapter two •


' I believed out there in this world, there will be a right guy for you. '

' Right guy? Is there still a right guy? I gave you all I got yet this was what I get back? Don't you know that it hurt so much? The pain is still there. Every single day. It felt like it just happened. Do you know how broken I am? How could you be so selfish and do this to me? '

' But, baby..'

' Stop. Just stop. I don't want to hear anything anymore. Goodbye. '


   STARING blankly at my closet, deep down I'm debating whether to go or not to go. God knows whom Leila set me up with.

Leila claimed that I was too lonely for her liking. So, she decided to set me up with someone. When she first told me about that, I was at the verge of throwing the thick binder to her head.  She claimed that I will be able to soften up a little if I start dating again.

I clicked the gallery icon and looked at the picture that she sent me. Studying the face of the guy, I tried to make up my mind.

Well, I guess I am going then.

   I make my way carefully inside the Italian restaurant that Leila told me to go in order to meet this guy. Sometimes, I wonder who is the real boss since this woman instructed me a lot.

Now, where is him?

My eyes wandered around the room, searching for the similar face to what I saw in my phone. Then, I saw a guy waved at me. Double checking with the picture on my phone, I'm pretty sure that was the right person that I was supposed to meet with.

" Anna? " He asked.

" Yes, that's me. " I nodded my head at him. " So, you're Ryan? "

" Yes. That's me. " He said as we both seat. " I'm glad you came " Ryan flashed a smile at me. I was stunned for a moment.

Damn son, this guy is gorgeous!

His bluish, shining, sparkling eyes really captured my attention. His jawline was so sharp that you can cut butter with it. Please, I'm kidding but really. God made a masterpiece with this guy. 

Feeling like I have been staring at him for too long, I looked down on the menu. Fancy italian food names were all over the menu. 

Spaghetti Alle Vongole

Pene All'Arrabbiata

Risotto Al Gorgonzola

All this fancy words and I don't understand it. Like, what type of ingredients they have in there? If I were to rate this menu, I'd give it a two star out of five for being fancy and nice layout. Other than that, it kinda sucks since not everyone understand it. I looked up from the menu and faced Ryan.

FINDING JULIAN, SEARCHING ANNAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin