His Trust

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Gotham City, 11:48 PM,

Dick sped through traffic on his motorcycle, trying to think what important matter Bruce wanted to discuss. Chances are, it was just an update on his current "anonymous source" situation, but Dick feared it was something worse. There was a part of Dick's mind which was asking: What if Bruce knew about Harley? Perhaps Tim had told him or Bruce had found out on his own. He was the World's Greatest Detective after all. Dick already began planning out exactly what he would say to Bruce, throw in a "She's changed" here, add in a speech about trust there. He could try talking his way out of this, but even in the best case scenario, he'd likely end up losing Bruce's trust.

Dick's motorcycle pulled up in front of the manor. It had begun raining, droplets were making their way down Dick's face as he swept the wet hair out of his eyes. He made his way over to the door and paused as he grabbed the door handle. He decided he would face whatever Bruce had to say as Dick felt certain it was going to be about Harley. He entered into the warmth of the manor and closed the door behind him, the sound of the rain being muted. Looking around for his father, he wandered into the living room, where Bruce was situated, sat on the couch reading a book.

He noticed Dick and, strangely, almost smiled. "Ah, you're here." Bruce approached his son. "Sorry it was short notice but I just need to ask something of you." He said. Dick was somewhat noticeably hiding his nervousness. Bruce was about to question it before Dick replied to his previous statement. "I went as soon as you got in touch." He explained. "You said it was important." Dick's tone was still slightly serious considering he didn't expect anything joyous to be discussed. "Yeah, I'll just get right to it." Bruce responded. "Myself, Damian and Barbara are going to be out of town over the next few days, chasing a lead in Blüdhaven. I was thinking of asking you to look after the place while I'm gone, of course, Alfred will still be here, but I'd feel a bit safer about anything that happens if you were here too."

After Bruce explained this, Dick was quite surprised. "Oh, is that it?" He asked, clearly expecting more. "Yeah, is that fine? You being here?" Bruce asked. "I'm there'll be nothing Alfred can't handle but, you know the lives we live, you can't be too safe."

"Yeah, sure, that's, yeah I can look after the place." Dick replied, still, part of him thought there was more Bruce wanted to discuss. "Anything else that needs talking about?" He asked.

"No, not really." Bruce, turned back to his couch and picked up the book he was reading. "We'll be heading to Blüd tomorrow noon, so just be there soon after." Bruce sat back down.

"Okay." Dick smiled. "Yeah, I'll head over by then. Goodnight, Bruce" Dick gave a small wave and left, feeling slightly feeling like he'd dodged a bullet. He left the manor and got on his motorbike and headed back to his apartment.


Harley was on Dick's couch, the TV was still on but she wasn't really watching it, more just looking at it as she came to terms with what she was feeling. She'd thought about what she'd told herself before, about falling for Dick. He had really gown on her, she noticed that she would smile whenever she thought of him. Whenever she thought of the night he revealed his identity and they had talked for hours. He'd been so kind to her, provided her with an escape from a lifestyle she wanted to leave behind, he gave her a place to stay and a chance to redeem herself. Most important to her though, was his trust. He'd so willingly accepted that she wanted a change, wanted to do good, redeem herself. He was also one of the only people in a long time to make her smile and laugh in a genuine way, something she hadn't done in that way since she first fell in love with the Joker.

Before she could think about Dick anymore, he returned to his apartment. She smiled at him as he hung up his rain-soaked jacket. "What was that all about?" She asked him.

"Oh, nothing." He said. "I might have to leave you alone in my apartment for a few days though." Dick explained, dropping his drenched shoes by the door. "Why's that?" Harley enquired. Dick tried for a second to come up with a reason why Bruce Wayne had asked him to look after his manor. "My...umm friend has asked me to look after their house while their out of town." Harley had noticed that stumble at the start of the sentence. "The way you're actin' tells me that ain't the whole truth." She said. "That friend o' yours someone I should know about?" She asked.

"Bruce Wayne." Dick said with little hesitation. Harley laughed, but in the ensuing silence, she realised he wasn't joking. Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh my God you're staying at Wayne Manor?!?" She got up out of her seat. "Can I come?! Pretty pretty please?!" The genuine joy in her eyes was hard to say no to, so Dick didn't even bother. "Fine," He signed with a smile. She got out of her seat and hugged him tightly. Dick blushed slightly and looked her in the eye. "but you need to promise me that no-one else is gonna know you're there." Harley let go and looked up at him. "Pinky promise!" She smiled. The smile faded ever so slightly when she noticed dark bags under Dick's eyes. "You look pretty tired, I'll not hold you back any longer, you should go to bed."

"No, it's fine, you take the bed, I'll have the couch like usual." Dick said mid yawn, trying not to rub his eyes. "No no no, Boy Wonder, you are going to bed." She grinned. "Whether you like it or not. Dick considered insisting on taking the couch, but was much too tired to argue with her so gave in. "Fine." He said, walking to his bedroom door, where he stood and watched her sit back down on the couch. "Goodnight, Harley." He smiled.

Next up: Dick prepares to bring Harley to Wayne Manor...

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