(A/N) Thanks For Reading!

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Well, there it is. I'm sorry if the ending seemed out of nowhere or rushed, I wanted a sudden surprise but got cold feet about it so I did the best I could after writing myself into a corner. Also, there's probably a ton of spelling and grammatical errors, but I'm admittedly lazy AF so don't check it properly for that kind of stuff, hope it's nothing too bad. I've linked another song (another Arctic Monkeys song, go figure!) I just think it kind a fits pretty well for reasons I won't get into so this doesn't become a 3000 word long note, but if you're a certain person reading this right now, you know exactly why it's fitting ;). 

I am going to be working with someone to make a second part (and hopefully a third) for this, the next part is going to be a Suicide Squad crossover, so stay tuned! Since you stayed to read this, here's a brief post credit scene thing about a character you might see in the next story, enjoy and cheers for reading, 'till next time!

Arkham Asylum, 8:01 PM, the night of Joker's transfer back to the asylum,

The laughter of the latest inmate of the hallowed asylum echoed through the corridors of Arkham's ancient architecture, and through the minds of anyone within earshot. One man unmoved by this, however, was Doctor Johnathan Crane. He didn't fear much, in fact, fear fascinated him. This would be more apparent if people knew who he really was, which part of him he kept hidden.

Packing away the things in his office for the night, Crane sorted some vials of yellow, bubbly liquid and placed them in a small case with compartments for each test tube. He walked over to the wall of his office and pressed in a tile, which slid to the side and revealed a hidden compartment. Crane placed the container in the compartment, right next to the cowl of the Scarecrow.

Coming soon: Fear Itself!

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