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*after Yoongi's lunch break*

Yoongi barely ate half his lunch because the sickening feeling in his stomach kept threatening to make him throw up. Hoseok's words running through his mind continuously, sending a shiver up his spine. Yoongi really needs this job; he thinks about bursting into Hoseok's office and begging him to let him stay but his ego and pride won't let him; he makes his way to the office, seemingly calm and collected when his insides feel like a storm meeting a tsunami. *knocks on the already open door* "Uh.. you wanted to see me after lunch?" Yoongi says, his heart doing somersaults as Hoseok looks up at him, beaming as per usual. "Ah, Yoongi, come in" Hoseok stands up, rummaging through his drawer for something while Yoongi makes himself as comfortable as possible.
"Ok so", Hoseok begins and Yoongi feels like he's going to throw up there and then, "I found something of yours the other day- well I assume it's yours, it has your initials on it". Hoseok dangles a black and white USB in front of Yoongi, smirking at the way Yoongi's eyes light up in both fear and relief. 'Shit I thought I lost that, thank fuck'.

"Oh. Thank you-"
"uh uh. You produced these?" Hoseok asks, snatching away the USB before Yoongi can get a hold of it. "What the hell? Give it back" Yoongi shouts, louder than intended, his anger seeping through, "wait- you listened to them?! What the fuck Hoseok? That's private. Fuck- give it to me. Now!" He screams, his voice cracking, betraying him, showing the emotions he tried so hard to conceal.  "Oh, shit, I- Yoongi I didn't mean to upset you, here" Hoseok says shoving the USB into Yoongi's hand, panic evident in his face. He scrambles to his feet, stepping away from behind his desk and ending up in front of the elder. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise- it was stupid of me to listen, it was an accident at first but then... it just... I don't know, it's enchanting? You have talent you know? I'm really sorry". Hoseok's now kneeling in front of Yoongi, his hands resting on Yoongi's thighs, stroking them and it's oddly soothing... and turning Yoongi on. Shit. "Don't", Yoongi shoves Hoseok's hands off then immediately regrets it as the younger man looks defeated and a sadness falls over his face, a look Yoongi hasn't seen on his face often and now they're both feeling pretty shit. Hoseok stands and returns to his seat, "look.. I'm just going to get straight to it. I'm opening another studio, a music studio though, with a friend- I don't know if you've heard of Namjoon, usually goes by Rap Monster? So uh... I don't know, I guess... I was going to suggest you transfer there. If you want." 
"Wait what? Wait. You're friends with Namjoon? The Rap Monster? Like- holy shit, what the fuck?! I. Oh.. wait I'm not getting fired?". "Fired?! No, it's a promotion you idiot, if you want? Look I'm sorr-", Hoseok is interrupted by a weird half squeal, half laugh as Yoongi stands up and runs to hug the younger. Both men are very obviously taken back by the unusual behaviour and sudden contact but neither of them backs away. They stay like that for 30 seconds- much more than Yoongi would ever like to have human contact for- before Yoongi catches his breath. "Yes. Hell yes- shit, this isn't a prank or anything right? Because I will kill you first and then myself if it is" Yoongi says, still excited as hell but less hyper than he was 2 seconds ago. "Not a prank, the jobs yours if you want it. You've got talent hyung, you're gonna go places" Hoseok says smiling, the usual sparkle in his eyes returning as Yoongi's heart and stomach do a 360 turn all at once. He isn't sure if it's because of his promotion or because he'll be working under one of his favourite producers or because of the way Hoseok looks at him but he doesn't think it over too much (for now). 


It's been a couple of weeks since his promotion and Hoseok has been bugging Yoongi to go out for drinks to celebrate. Yoongi's been attempting (and failing miserably) to stay away from Hoseok as much as possible. He doesn't understand his feelings for the younger and to be honest he's dealing with this the usual way: not at all. This is incredibly hard as he now has an office/studio space right next to the one person he would like to steer clear from.
Yoongi and Namjoon hit it off practically straight away, the friendship occurring naturally and much quicker than either of them expected. "Come onnnn, please hyung, it's just the 3 of us!" Hoseok whines, still trying to get Yoongi to take him and Namjoon out. "Oh my god, will you shutup if I say yes?!" Yoongi snaps back, his voice filled with badly hidden fondness for the younger. "Maybe... hmm, no. Just please! Come on, we're buddies now, I'm not just your boss! Let's celebrate Yoongi" Hoseok carries on whining, clinging onto the elders arm making it impossible to ignore him. "Fine. Just let me save these ok? Gosh. I preferred you as my boss not my 'buddy', you were less annoying" Yoongi huffs, Hoseok laughing at the remark before responding in a deeper, more seductive tone catching Yoongi by surprise, "I'll be your boss any day".
"Uh-- I- saved. Let's go then loser", Yoongi hurries towards the door, forgetting his jacket in the process, his face warming up rapidly as he tries to ignore the swarms of butterflies preparing for war in his stomach.

*Yoongi drives himself and Hoseok to the restaurant chosen by Hoseok*

Text from Namjoon:
hyung I can't make it, something came up
Enjoy :)

"Oh. Namjoon can't make it, something's come up" Yoongi says, staring at his phone in disbelief. The one time Namjoon decides to disappear is the one time Yoongi really needs him to be there. 'Fuck'. "Oh? That's alright, maybe next time then. Shall we go in?" Hoseok says, being his cheery self, walking in before Yoongi (Yoongi casually checks out his luscious ass, damn).
"You ok hyung? You look kinda sweaty. Are you getting a fever?", Hoseok checks Yoongi's forehead and chest worriedly as Yoongi swats his hand away. "I'm fine Hobi, it's just too hot in here" fanning himself with the menu. "Oh? Should I leave then?" Hoseok smiles, unable to hide the smug look on his face and Yoongi rolls his eyes and fucking giggles at the younger. "Shut up and order before I change my mind.".


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