Helping hand

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Little notes for part 6:
1) Yoongi lost his house because he was behind on rent which is why he was so distressed in part 5 over such trivial things and lashed out over nothing.
2) Yoongi has moved into Hoseok & Namjoon's 2 bedroom apartment. He obviously sleeps in Hobi's room 😉
3) There will be a bit about Namjoon and his to-be partner ☺️😏

/around a year after part 5/

Hoseok and Yoongi are snuggling on the sofa with a huge blanket wrapped around them, watching TV. Well... Yoongi's watching TV while Hoseok watches Yoongi. "What?" Yoongi chuckles, smiling down at Hobi. "Nothing" Hoseok responds, tucking himself into Yoongi's chest further. "You can't just stare at me for centuries then not tell me what's up Hoseok", Yoongi prompts, poking at Hobi's sides making him frantically yelp and swing himself about. "HYUNG, st-op" Hobi screams through giggles, trying to sound annoyed as Yoongi tickles the younger. Yoongi eventually stops, kissing the top of Hobi's head but receiving a punch to the arm in return.
"Yah- Hoseok-ah, don't bully your hyung" Yoongi frowns, his lips twitching to curve upwards ever so slightly. "Why? You gonna punish me hyung? Oooh I'm so scared" Hobi whispers teasingly, giving Yoongi's balls a squeeze through his sweatpants getting a groan out of him. "You little shit" Yoongi screams, grabbing Hoseok with all his might and attempting to squeeze the life out of him.

"You're both disgusting" Namjoon says in the most monotone voice ever, walking out of his bedroom to their kitchen, passing the two on the way. Yoongi and Hoseok exchange a look, a dialogue without words that only they understand. "Joon-ah, come sit with us for a second" Hoseok begins as Namjoon raises his eyebrow. "I don't wanna talk about it" he responds, accidentally sounding harsher than he intended, "*sigh* sorry. I'm just not in a good mood. Sorry."
"You don't have to talk about anything, just come sit with us... for a sec", Yoongi continues in place of his boyfriend. Namjoon contemplates for a second before making his way to the couch where his hyungs are currently tangled with each other; "Hyung, y'all gotta move up if you want me to sit" he laughs, squeezing on to the sofa as much as possible, "*sigh* Yes?"
Hoseok and Yoongi exchange another look that Namjoon notices this time. "Don't do that, it makes me feel stupid" he says, pouting as he sighs again, his attention directed at the hole in his left sock. He always manages to mess up his socks and he doesn't even know how. He wiggles his big toe that's peeping out and giggles lightly at it like a preschooler. "Wow. IQ of 148 and you're giggling at your damn sock. Unbelievable" Yoongi scoffs, covering his face with a palm, hiding the affectionate smile threatening to blow up on his face. What a big baby, Yoongi thinks to himself.
"Leave me alone hyung" Namjoon shoves into Yoongi's side with his elbow and suddenly he's being contained by Hoseok's arms wrapping around him like a koala. "Hobi hyung- stop- ugh", Namjoon stops resisting and gives into the hug, knowing the elder will win eventually.
"Who did this to my baby boy, huh? Who made my Joonie sad? Do you want me to kill her? I'll do it" hobi says in the most serious tone making the other two laugh because Jung Hoseok isn't even capable of hurting a fly! ...Mostly because he's scared of them but let's ignore that and focus on how precious Hoseok is with everything and everyone in general.  "It's not a girl" Namjoon whispers, as Hoseok's grip starts to loosen and finally Namjoon can breathe properly again.
"No? Then tell hyung what's up Namjoon-ah" Hoseok instigates, he knows exactly how to get Namjoon to open up after all these years.
(He's totally not jealous that Namjoon opened up to Yoongi not long after they met; "hyung if you trust him, so do I" was the excuse he gave Hobi not that he isn't glad his two favourite people clicked almost immediately). "Oh. Ohhhhh." Yoongi smirks suddenly, nudging Namjoon's shoulder and asking "so it's a guy problem?". Hoseok's eyes go wide as he finally understands what Yoongi is not-so-subtly insinuating.
"Fuck" Namjoon groans, flopping his head back onto Hobi's shoulder, "hyung I'm so whipped it's fucking ridiculous" he whines, talking to neither of his hyungs in particular. Namjoon says nothing more after this and the other men don't force anything out of him, letting the younger get comfortable before he speaks to them about it again. It's 2 weeks after this chat that the younger comes back to them for advice.
Both men are in their room, entwined within each other (as usual) talking about everything and nothing when Namjoon knocks on the already half open door. "Hi" he says meekly, entering when his elders beckon him, making his way to sit at the end of their bed. He plays with the duvet for a while before speaking. Neither of his hyungs disturbing him while he readied himself to let loose his worries.
"So... I have.. to rant. Kinda. Ish. And I need advice?", Hoseok and Yoongi both nod at the rhetorical question, Namjoon takes a deep breath before:
"Uh- ok, long story short, I met a guy on this dating app and we've been talking for about like 3-4 months now on-and-off and he's gorgeous. Fucking hell he's gorgeous but he's intellectual and brilliant and I really, really like him. The thing is... I know he's open. You know? Like open about his sexuality and honestly I'm still trying to figure my shit out because I like him so much but I also like girls? But I like him in the way I like girls? Anyway- I mean it hasn't really come up but I know he's had sex. I mean so have I. But he's had sex with guys too. I haven't. Obviously. And I kinda, sorta wanted to ask you what's up with that? how does that shit happen? Not that I'm planning to have sex with him. Yet. But you know, we're at a good place. A place that could.. lead to that... eventually. I hope. So yeah. He's nice. And funny. And I kinda sorta wanna fuck him." *Namjoon exhales (finally)*

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