The Secrets Of The Amulet

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Alright, Now This Story is longer than the other story, and here you will find what is actually in amulet, and what makes it tick. Luckily, I hope Dakota wont get his Virginity taken. Oh well, back to the story!




"Sally!! Get that Papaya aways from me!!" I screamed as Sally positioned herself on top of me. I couldn't do anything, I was trapped, and why did I not expect this coming?! Son of a- 

Before I could finish my sentence, "BANG!" Goes the door as a left, skeleton hand appears in the debris. The pieces come flying into the bed, and almost all the sharper pieces nearly hit me. Two of them nearly sliced my ear. Looked at the broken door to find Jasmine, her left fist, still in the air, her mouth all watery, dripping with blood, and her eyes were glowing brighter than before.

She then stared at Sally with those bloody red eyes, while holding a sharp knife in her hand. "DIE!" Jasmine screamed as she threw the knife towards Sally. Oh yeah sure, Sally dodged the knife, but as for me, well, the knife luckily sliced the ropes, imprisoning me, and my right arm was free, and I used it to free my other arm, and my legs. I then quickly  got my pants and sat on the ground with relief. But then there were other problems. Jasmine's nails grew longer and sharper. She was slowly moving towards Sally with such anger.

I had to restrain her and hug her tight, just o prevent her from biting off Sally's head. She then bit on my arm and continued chewing in it til the flesh was ripped out. I couldn't cry in pain, all I could do was stare at Sally and tell her to give me the damn amulet. Sally was speechless but then her eyes stopped glowing, and she suddenly fell unconscious, and to my luck, Jasmine fell too. Now there are two girls unconscious. One is naked, the other is a half-zombie. How the heck am I supposed to get these girls outta here without anyone noticing. Then I looked at the window and say my house just beside this crummy old house.


How convenient.

I quickly grabbed the two girls and carried them both back to house as fast as I could. I placed Jasmine on the bed, and Sally on the second bed (where I was supposed to sleep.). I then got my laptop and tried to search about the information about the amulet, and I found something shocking. I found out that the amulet does grants peoples wishes, but theses wishes were not to make the person happy, but they were made to make that person go insane.

The amulet grants the wishes, but at the same time, its spell will be cast upon the user of the amulet, and well, there are different effects of the spell. For Sally's case, it was her complete addiction over uhhh(Damn I dont wanna say that its me cause its just down right creepy) something, that caused her to be more of a......Psycho lunatic(I dont wanna say shes a slut or anything). The wishes she made back then in the cemetery, well, I think its time that I told you them.

1. She wished that the amulet would be in the center of B ( I have no clue why -_-)

2. She wished that her heart would always love Dakota(me)......ewwww.

and the third wish which apparently happened just awhile ago, was to make a small, old house right next to mine, to drag me there and tie me up (weird o.o).

And well the amulet cast its spell on Sally, then which turned her love for me, into a lustful desire. Oh, gross...... That explains the glowing brown eyes. As foe me, I havent even used the two wishes yet. But when I used the first wish to bring Jasmine back to life, the amulet cast its spell on Jasmine herself. Causing her zombie action to slowly grow and grow til she finally becomes a full head-on bitch zombie. Now that I cant let it happen. Well, as for Sally, its kinda late to do anything now that she turned into a full-sized head-on lusty bitch, but there can still be hope for Jasmine. I have the amulet in my hand, but I dont know if the wish will just worsen everything. DAmn....What am I going to do? I need help..... 

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