Decide Now: Live Or Die? Part 2

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Heya Its The Author here. Apology for the long days it took, I was......Occupied with a lot of things. This is the mid-way part. Will Dakota make it in time? Find out!


Giles Fontois 


I ran. I just ran as fast as I could to get to Jasmine and Sally. Their lives were at stake. The amulet is actually the amulet of the underworld demons. This amulet was crafted from the devils themselves, made to grant the wishes of the desires of the heart, but in return, the wretched demons shall be crawl into the wielder of the amulet. The spells come from the seven deadly sins: Anger, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Pride. These sins have cause so much chaos into this world, and now they are all packed up in one small amulet.

I don't about the other sins, but I am sure that I have Greed. Instead of letting Jasmine rest in peace, I brought her back to life by my own selfish needs. Man, I was stupid. And I'm definitely sure that Sally has Lust in her, knowing that she wanted more after I was forced to make out with her("-_-").  But lets skip that for now, right now, I had to reach the house, to see Jasmine and Sally, before anything else goes bad. If my hypothesis is correct, Jasmine will fade to dust in a matter of hours cause the effects of the wishes only last for awhile. No one knows when it will really end. The reason why Sally will fade too is cause one of her wish was that her heart would always love me(If I can recall). fading heart, fading body. I had to sprint faster and faster, but just then, I suddenly stopped. My legs were shaking, I could feel my chest pounding harder and harder. Something was inside me, and it was trying to get out. Next thing you know, darkness.

I woke up to find a man who looked exactly like me, even the same clothes. He had that weird smile on his face, not like mine, and his hands were holding my heart, and the amulet(Wait what?! How did MY HEART get over there?! O.O). Then the mysterious man sat down, placed the amulet and my heart on the floor, and stared at me with his dark red eyes. 

The Amulet of the Sins in my right, and The Precious Heart of Dakota on my left. Your desires from the heart, granted by the Amulet. The desire, to bring your girl back to life. Heh, too bad I made a few alterations, AKA turning her half-zombie. Hahahaha No wonder you're so pissed . The man said as he tossed me my heart and grabbed the amulet. Looks like I now know how and why Jasmine was half-zombie, and I know who is this man. No doubt about it. He was the same person who crawls into my dreams every night, and would always tell me that one day he would take over me, steal my heart, and then shove me into the amulet.

So I guess its really you, Greed. I never thought you would show your face. I said calmly as I looked at my heart and saw it beating slower and slower by the minute. Greed did not say a word, instead he wore the amulet, and just like that, another demon came flying out. He was a faceless demon, with a huge battle axe in his back, stood 7 feet tall, and was wearing an armor of the vikings. I could tell from the flames surrounding him that he was a demon of pure violence. A demon who spreads destruction where ever it goes. He is the reason for war(mostly the reason).

Its the worst sin of them all..................................................Wrath Himself.

Well, well, well, I never expected to see a HUMAN. Hmph. Greed, I have no time for humans. Send me back. Wrath shouted as he unsheathed his battle axe and jabbed it at Greed. I'm impressed that Greed did not even flinch, instead he removed the amulet and tossed it to Wrath. He stared at Wrath, then me, then Wrath, and then me repeatedly, til finally he lied down and closed his eyes. Do what you want, tough guy. I just wanted to mess with you. After Greed said those words, Wrath finally returned into the amulet, and stayed there. I looked at Greed as he was fast asleep, and figured this was my chance to get the damn amulet. I moved silently, ever so quietly, hoping that I wouldn't wake up Greed. Just a bit more, almost, just a few meters away.....

Just as I was almost there. Almost ready to grab the amulet...... Ah! What the---Uh! Is that a.... I looked to my chest and I saw a hand pierce through me. Well, you can guess who's hand was it, its pretty dang obvious. It was Greed's hand, shoving his hand into my chest. It...feels like I'm being.....infected with something.....Then black liquid started oozing from my body, until it was about to cover my entire body. All I could hear was Greed laughing, as the oozing black liquid started to consume me. I could not help but cry, as I failed to save the girl I love, and the girl who loves me. Now it will be because of me that they will fade to dust and suffer in the underworld. I prepared for the worst, and closed my eyes, when all of sudden, a bright light came shining down upon Greed and I. Greed couldn't help but release his grip and ran right back into the amulet.

Oh. My. Gosh. I just nearly got possessed by a demon, and I am still alive. I looked at the direction of the light, and I saw a small orb floating towards me. I didn't know who or what it was, but i was hoping that it could take me to some place other that here. As  touched the orb, it grew brighter and brighter til the whole area was filled with light. And the next thing you know, I opened my eyes and I found myself inside a tent, in the arm of a beautiful girl, her red hair shining in the sunlight, and her blue eyes, sparkling like the blue sky. Whew! You're awake. Finally. You were out for about six hours, you know, and you were loosing a lot of blood, so I took got you, and carried you all the way here(^_^). The young woman said as she stood up and left the room. Six hours.....That's pretty long.

 By the way, where am I? And who was that just now?


Did not see that coming. Looks like Dakota here is in a mysterious place. I wonder what would happen next? By the way, Thanks so much for all the read and the voted you have given me :) Thanks a bunch for the fuel that helped me continue on to my stories ^_^ Do Wait for Part 3 to unfold :D I like making it longer :D it is the finale of course ;D 


Giles Fontois

P.S this is until Part 5

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