Decide Now: Live Or Die? Part 4

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Whats up? Its me the author!! Thanks so much for 617 reads!!! It makes me wanna keep writing :D But well I have my Piano Piece to work with, so it took me a lot of time. Moving on, we left Dakota barely breathing, slash marks everywhere and what not. Will he survive long enough to save Jasmine, now that Sally is dead? Heres a flashback by the way.....


Giles Fontois



~~~~Dakota's Point of View~~~~ 

Still in a unknown place, I can feel the presence of a demon somewhere here. I just didn't know where, or moreover, it was almost as if he was right here beside me. Could it be Greed? Or Wrath? Or maybe even Lust..... Ehhh never mind that for now. Right now I need to figure out where am I, and how do I get back home? Maybe I'll ask the young lady how do I get home. But one problem: WHERE>IS>SHE? 

I searched for her in this small grassland, but amazingly I couldnt find her. *sigh* I decided to head back to the tent and sleep it out. I couldnt help but close my eyes and fall into the bed but instead of feeling a pillow, I felt the hard, rocky ground on my face. Ouch! What the-.... Oh. Its the young lady. I woke up to find her hugging the pillow tight, with her eyes closed, and talking.....In her sleep? (O.O). Is she dreaming? Whoa. Thats rather creepy. She's saying weird stuff, weird, rugby stuff. Next thing you know she's standing up and running outside, in circles. Yeah, she nuts. But just as I said that, she started running towards me, leaping and then nearly kicking me in the face. She continued kicking and punching while holding the small pillow in her left hand. 

I just continued dodging everything she was throwing at. Kicks, punches and even karate chops. But not all of them. Some of her punches nearly gave a cut to my right eye, and her kicks nearly broke my left leg. I scrambled for safety, looking for a place to hide, til I made an obvious realization: This Place Has No Rocks, Just GRASS (-_-). Oh boy......... Next thing you know the young lady leaps high in the air and kicks me in the chest, pushing me into the ground, nearly breaking my ribs. I could help but cough out a small pinch of blood. Geez, she has one mean punch, or kick..... She finally woke up and looked at the ground, and took a step back. Her reaction didnt surprise me.

Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Are you okay? Oh, yeah sorry I haven't introduced myself. *Helps me up* Names Emily. I just live here in the open grasslands. I found lying down in the road while I was heading to town. She said as she sat down and looked t me with her blue eyes. I gave her my poker face, due to the fact that she nearly broke my leg, cut my eyes, and crushed my ribs.  Uhhh....Name's Dakota. Looks like you've got the same blue eyes as mine. Nice to meet you *shakes her hand* Uhm UH- Before I could finish my sentence, gave me a tight squeeze, and for some reason, I don't know why, bit my neck.

Ack! My neck. What the heck?! *moves back* What was that bite for? Suddenly the entire background started fading, til my surroundings were covered in nothing but fiery purple flames. All I could hear was the sound of laughter in the air, and the sight of seven bodies popping up from the ground. All of them faceless, well except for one who looked like me, and astonishingly, one who looked like Sally. Im guessing that was Lust. They both crept closer to me, circling around me, their laughter growing louder and louder, and the scream of a girl echoing to my ear. Jasmine! Oh crap! I need to get to her! But I couldnt even move an inch. The seven demons holding me down, restraining me and preventing me from moving. Next thing you now, its happening all over again. purple flames consuming me once again. Heh heh. This time, no one will stop me from consuming you. Soon, I'll be you, and I'll destroy everyone you love.

Just hearing those words made me shiver.... Greed was going to kill them all... I couldnt let that happen. I did whaever I could do break free from the seven demons. Flailing around, trying to free my arms and legs from the flames of sin. But before I was fully consumed, a bright light came and I could feel the left arm of Jasmine pulling me out, while her right hand was holding on to something. She pulled and pulled til finally my eyes opened as I find myself at the doorstep of my house. Thank God Im home!! *opens door* ........what the- *Screams* Sally?! What the heck is going on here?! What the- ....... My eyes couldnt deceive me. I saw Jasmine, slashing and thrusting her claws into Sally, as Sally laid there, dead, and still being torn asunder. Then jasmine stard at me with her glowing reed eyes....Ready to attack me, her claws growing longer, and next thing you know, Thing Go Blank.

Jasmine? Babe? Are you there? *cough* Looks like you went a little wild back there , Babe..... *panting and spitting blood* Well..... I think I will take a nap for a while.....


Cant believe it took this long......Oh man...... whoops. The Bold Italic. Better. Anyhow, sorry it tokk like a week XD Get ready for the finale!! Wherewe will now see who will die.


Sabre d'faucon 

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