The Last Hour: Dakota's Sacrifice

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754 views wow.......... Im so smiling!!!!! :D

Whoops Oh yeah uhhhh.......

Heya! Its me the author!! this is IT! The finale of this story! If you're wondering, Dakota's still alive, for now. In time, Greed will rise from the depths of the amulet and roam around this world, controlling Dakota's body of course. But Im getting to ahead of myself, ONWARDS!!!




~~~~~~Greed's Point Of View~~~~~~

Psshh. That Dakota sure got what he deserved, for trying to being his girlfriend back to life. Heh. Instead of letting her rest in peace in the sky above, he chose to keep her for himself and big her back to the world of the living. Hah! Thats the greed I like to see (>:]), so thats why I took half of his girlfriends humanity, and her skin.

The rest of her is right here in my pocket, literally (XD). Well, Lust is lucky now that she has full control over Sally, and it will be a matter of time, before I can full control Dakota's body......Oh would you look at that, I can use it now (>:}). Hmmm let me see here, looks like Dakota lost a lot of blood, after taking a beating from his own girlfriend, Jasmine. Heh. Lucky me. This will be a piece of cake. Hmmm wait... What?! What is that girl doing?! Stop!! Youre gonna... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

~~~~~~Jasmine's Point Of View~~~~~~

No.....Dakota....My love.... Its all my fault.....I killed him..... My zombie instincts of a zombie are coming to me.....Im out of control. If only I didnt die, then this bloodshed would never have happened. Now My Love is Dead, and Sally. Well I could care less about Sally. She was such a....... A meanie. Always preventing me from going outside to look for Dakota.

Hmph. But still, I couldnt stop crying inside. Im a murderer....... Its all because of that acursed amulet!!!! I ran to Dakota and pulled the amulte out of him. Slowly crushing it in my left hand, all the rage pouring into the amulet. I made sure those damn demons felt it as I threw the acursed amulet into the ground. Suck it demon BITCHES!

I shouted out loud as the amulet broke into seven different pieces. Six of the fragments started to float up high in the air, and then disperse into different places, to which to this day is still unknown. As for the seventh fragment, it started to form itself, growing larger and larger and it started to take the form of a human. Specifically, that human is none other than Dakota....

His mouth then started forming and the next thing you know, Greed comes back to life, even more badass than ever. He looked around, observing his surroundings, and even giving lifeless Dakota a smirk. Hmm. Looks like you really overdid it, didnt you? Dakota's dead, Sally's dead, and the whole pack of demons are now all over the world. Well, this is a good start, now I can take over the entire city. Starting with Dakota (^_^). One hour is all I need.

He spoke arrogantly, slowly walking over to Dakota. I rushed in and grabbed Greed, but he just pushed me back, like I was just a ball to him. But luckily I grabbed him in time, to pull him away from Dakota, and slammed him into the window. He fell to the ground, purple blood oozing out from his forehead.

He then got up and looked at me with his fiery purple eyes. You.Will.Die. Was the three words he said before rushing towards me and choking me to death. His grip getting stronger with every second. I could feel my head getting lighter, couldnt breathe..............But then........ Plop! Goes my brain, dipshit. *kicks Greed away* . Thankfully that released alot of air out of me (:D). But then, as I opened my eyes. I ...... I just couldnt believe it....

 Hey Babe, Whats Up? Youre looking a bit pale, Babe. Did someone try to strangle you *coughs out blood* Well, more to the point, there is only one way to destroy Greed : Send him back to the underworld. But only one problem..........................I have to go in there with him. Sorry, babe. I guess I couldnt be with you til the end. But look on the bright side, you'll be whole again. *thrusts hand into Greed's chest and pulls out his heart, then crushes it* (Greed: AHHHHH!). Well, Babe, Im starting to fade into the dust now......... I guess..... This is....... *Vanishes*

Just Like That, He was out of sight, turned to dust, and now on his way to the underworld. And just like that, "Ding! Dong!" The hour has past. And that was the last hour, the hour that Dakota sacrificed himself.

I can never be whole...........

Without you.


Heya! its me, the Author!!!! Well Guess thatll do Folks ^^ End of story ^^ Im sorry that Dakota died. but Maybe someday....... A miracle.



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