Brody's Vist

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Quinn's POV

Santana and I were getting to know each other more, and our conversation came to bffs and stuff. So I said yeah my BFF is Kurt Hummel blah blah blah and then Santana was like Really we were bffs in high school. Anyways we have so many things in common it's amazing. I can't wait for her to be mine I love her. All the sudden The bell on the restaurant door rings signaling that someone has entered. I look back and it was BRODY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Santana's POV

Quinn turns around and then her face goes completely white. "Quinn are you okay" I asked her with a lot of concern. She doesn't answer. A man walks up to the table.

Quinn's POV

Oh my god he's coming closer. he's coming to our table. I can hear Santana but I'm frozen. I can't speak or move. I'm scared. I've never told anyone this but Brody rapes me and abuses me. It's ridiculous. He comes closer.

Santana's POV

"You slut" The strange man says to Quinn. "I'm sorry Brody I'm just having dinner with a friend" Quinn says quietly. "No your a piece of crap you went out without telling me you're a whore" He says. The fear in Quinn's eyes quickly is replaced by anger. "No Brody you cannot control my actions. I'm a grown woman and I can make my own decisions go back to the house or we are through. He slaps her across the face and hard too.

Quinn's POV

My cheek hurts bad. I fall back on to the booth. Santana steps forward. "Brody you took it one step to far little man it's now time for auntie tana to go all Lima Heights on your sorry little ass" Santana says. She pulls 3 razor blades out of her hair. I had no idea she had those stored in her hair. She runs at me. I'm really scared. I think she is going to try to cut me with those razor blades. She instead hands them to me and tells me to use them if I have to. She walks up to Brody and punches him in the face. His nose starts bleeding. He tries to punch her but she catches his hand a pulls of behind his back. I hear a loud crack. Brody's arm just broke. Santana screams leave Quinn alone. I love her so much. He runs away. She comes over and gives me a giant hug. "I'm so sorry Santana" I whisper in her ear. "It's okay quinnie shhhh, stop crying " she says in a soothing tone. I really do love her. "Do u want a kiss on the cheek to make it better" she says. I nod. She goes to kiss me on the cheek but I turn my head and we kiss on the lips. I feel fireworks.

Hey guys just wanted to say please vote and tell ur friends. Thanks any ideas are welcome. Thanks ~ gleekcorylove1982

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