chapter 5

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Natalie prepared a speech for Ethan. She spent days writing it. And today was one of the most important days for her. She didn't want anything to go wrong. So, she woke up early in the morning to doublecheck everything.
She wanted to look her best today. She wore a white colour top with fringes and blue jeans with boots finishing her looks. She didn't forget to wear her lucky pendant which her aunt gave her in childhood . Since then, whenever something good happened with her, the pendant was always hanging around her neck.

Today, even the weather was declaring that it was a big day. Warm sunshine was brightening the whole campus. Hustle and bustle had started right from morning. Students were anxious and cheerful.

"You look amazing Ethan!" Natalie ran towards him, hugged him and perched a small kiss on his cheek.
He was dressed in blue shirt and jeans looking handsome.

"Ready for the speech?"I asked him seeing that his tensed expression didn't change even after being awarded with a kiss in the morning.

"Just a little nervous"

"Don't worry! It's natural being nervous before speaking to such a large crowd"

"By the way, we have made some alterations in the speech. Natalie stayed up nights to make the speech a memorable one"

"You keep it to yourselves now. I am very good at losing things."said Ethan.

" I don't want Natalie's hard work to go in vain"

"Fine then, You have already read it. I'll hand it over to you before you'll go on the stage."

I forgot my shades in my room. Since Sun shone bright enough to narrow the vision, I went to get them.
When I was returning, I thought to once more check the speech to see any mistakes.

"Ouch!" shouted I. My head banged with another head. The paper on which speech was written fell. My view was blocked with sudden collision.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see? " I shouted without looking who was the victim of my anger.

"YOU!  Don't you have other work except bumping into me?"said the boy with high tone

Shit! It was the same boy I slammed into last night.

" It was YOU who wasn't looking. Mr. "
I paused. I didn't know his name.
"Mr. Whoever you are "

" Really, then it must be ME only who bumped into you last night. Huh?
It was YOU! and now also you're the one guilty."

"Just stop your nonsense! And step away from my path"

I bent down to pick up the paper but there were two paper lying below. I picked up and glanced at my watch. It showed ten minutes to ten. I was already late. I ran away with speech in my hand without checking it. It was all just because of him. He wasted my time. I cursed him all the way to stage. I was responsible for handing the speech to Ethan. I cannot ruin the whole day.

I reached just on time. And handed it to him. His expression was now more tensed. But Natalie kept motivating him. Till the time he went for speaking, nervousness on his face disappeared and he was much more confident.

The introduction part went well. Then he started discussing the problems faced by students. Next was the list of goals  and promises he would fulfill if becomes the president.

The goals he was talking about were not familiar for me.  I didn't remember writing them. I wrote something else.

He was reading the speech and promising things which we would never be able to fulfill. What was happening? He kept on reading. And things were getting worse. He promised things which were out of control. WHAT WAS HAPPENING?
But then I remembered Natalie made the last alterations. She would change the speech this much, I never imagined. I searched for blond, sleek hair in the crowd (Natalie coloured her hair yesterday).

Then I found her, she wore the same expression. She was horror struck. She was also nervous. She looked towards me. I lifted my eyebrow gesturing to know what was happening? She shrugged. She was also aghast.

What did it mean? She also didn't know what Ethan was talking about.
But then, a thought struck my mind.
'THE SPEECHES GOT SWITCHED' when I collided with Him.

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