Chapter 1

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"Alex searched a lot for a girl who would be just like the girl in his dreams. But in vain.

After much time, he started worrying whether he would find such a girl. A girl, who will love him with all her heart. A girl, he can live his whole life with. A girl, for whom he was ready to sacrifice himself.

Amber imagined her life partner to be the one who would stay with her in horrible nightmares, worst situations in life and still not leave her. Would she find one?

To find the perfect person for each other, Alex and Amber shook their hands and promised each other to try their best to find 'the one' for each other.

None of them found the person they were looking for. How could they? Since they were themselves perfect for each other.

It took time for them to realise that for whom they were searching for years was standing in front of them. They already had fallen in love but both were hesitating to confess to each other. But how long could they contain their emotions ?

Amber agreed to Alex's proposal. They finally got they were looking for."

"Wow! Such a cute love story ! I loved it. Thank you Natalie for telling me"said I, extremely delighted.

"Welcome. I know ,Kriss, you love listening love stories. What about your love story? Have you found someone?"

A question popped up in my mind. "Will I have a love story too? "I haven't thought about it ever. I too wanted my Prince Charming to be caring and loving. But doesn't every girl wants it?

Never meant to beTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon