chapter 6

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What happened was very bad. But the worse was yet to happen.

Steve must have learnt the speech by heart. Every single word of it.Now,   that was a big problem.

Ethan delivered his speech and the audience seemed to be influenced by him. He walked towards me with his smiling face. He didn't know what just happened. There was a huge round of applause and howling. That was the only nice thing that has happened today since morning. But I was feeling different emotions at the same time. Happiness, guilt and fear. I was happy that the students were satisfied. But feeling bad that if we win, it will be because of Steve, hating myself for walking without paying attention and making a blunder, fearing what's going to happen next.

And what I anticipated, became true.
Steve stepped on the stage,  and so my heart also started beating very fast.

Everything was going well till now. He was just introducing himself , and telling about the college life. With his every single word, my heartbeats were getting faster.

Then he started flaunting that he was the best contender and everyone should vote for him.

Then, the worst part came. He started promising different services he would offer if he wins, with such a confidence as if he had already won. He blabbered all the promises without even pausing or getting a single word wrong.

He was such a big fool! I had thought before in my mind that he must have listened Ethan's speech and heard that Ethan was speaking the same he had prepared to say. I had a little hope that he will use his brain and promise something else.
But NO! He was a BIG FOOL! He didn't listened him.Nor  did he had understood and then learned his speech. He had just mugged it all up.

Everyone realised that he was saying just the same thing, Ethan has said a few minutes ago and walked past away.
Everyone started discouraging him and throwing whatever they could get. Gradually the sound- "Cheater!  Cheater! " filled the whole campus.

Steve and its alliance was called cheating what they only have written. I was wholly filled by guilt. None other than me was to be blamed.

I was searching for Natalie again. She wasn't there where she was standing earlier.
Then I caught blue eyes (which I admired) staring at me. Filled with rage and anger,  they looked quite different. They were protruding and it seemed as if the eyeballs would come out of the eye sockets anytime.

Shit! I realised that I have done a bigger mistake than I was assuming it to be.
But,  another thought struck me. It's not only because of me. He should have payed attention too.
If he had seen that I wasn't looking forward then he should have himself  gotten out of the way to prevent collision.
But he didn't. That meant that he also wasn't looking forward. It also meant that he was partially responsible for what happened.

While I was recalling and trying to understand the reason for such a situation, I had completely forgotten of things going around me.
Whole campus had become a huge mess. Everyone was shouting and howling. Mrs Ashley was trying to calm them down.

I saw him walking towards me with those infuriated eyes.

"What do you think of yourself ?Huh!
You intentionally bumped into me so that you can steal our speech because you knew your wasn't that influential." he shouted at me.

I couldn't control myself and in return yelled on him too "Hey! It wasn't just my fault. YOU bumped into me! You weren't looking forward and walking engrossed in your own thoughts! So, stop shouting at me."

He kept pushing me and pinned me to wall. He forced his hands on the wall behind me, leaned on me and said, "If you're thinking that you're going to win these elections by your cheap tricks and I will become your slave, then FORGET it. "
I felt like a tiny mouse, trapped in the clutches of a ferocious lion.

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