chapter 10

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"Hey Kriss !", Nick chimed in from the phone.

"Hey Nick, What's the matter? ", I said. My voice groggy and muffled. I was still in daze.

"I was reading the book you gave me"

"So, you ruined my sleep and roused me to inform this!"

"Yes. Actually no!
I'm on the verge of completing the book"

That was quick. Although I was not amazed by it. If I like a book, I myself complete it overnight. And if I don't then there it lays on the bookshelf for long without being read.

He continued, " And to my surprise, you actually have a good taste in books which I didn't expect-"

"You know what! Your arrogant remarks and reviews about me could've waited till tomorrow.
YOU DON'T NEED TO RUIN MY SLEEP FOR IT!", I interrupted him.

"Calm down Sleeping beauty!"

Sleeping beauty! Really?

"So, I called up to ask you to bring the sequel to this. I just can't wait for it. So, bring it tomorrow"

"Only if you return the book I gave you"

"I will. Don't worry, your book is safe with me"

"It better be! "

"Good night, sleeping beauty!"

I hung up. Thanks Mr Arrogant! For ruining my sleep. I didn't think I could go back to my dreamland again soon.


Honk! Honk!

"I'm coming ! Just a minute!", I shouted. Natalie was waiting in the car outside for me.

I fixed my straight hair and for the one last time, stared at my reflection in the mirror. My winged eyeliner was perfect today. I wore minimal makeup. Just a little concealer under my eyes to cover up the dark bags that arised due to lack of sleep. Inspite of that, I felt fresh today.

As I sat inside the car, Natalie gave me a beautiful smile. Her face was glowing.

"Natalie, You look pretty good ! Some special reason for it?" , I teased her.

She was blushing uncontrollably now. I have never seen her this way.

"Oh my god Natalie! Are you blushing?", I exclaimed.

She shook her head.

"Liar! You are blushing ! It's visible right on your face. Is your blushing in any way related to Ethan?"

She blushed even more at the name of Ethan.

"I and Ethan went to the movie last night. And..", Natalie hesistated.


"And we kissed!" She covered her face.

"Like for the first time?", I asked.

"Yes", she said all nervous.

"I'm so happy for you Nat!"

She told me every little thing and I was no less in sharing mine.I was so grateful for our friendship. In such a short time, I never imagined, I could share such a strong bond with anyone.

Natalie was so lucky . She had her first kiss. Though Ethan and Natalie have been dating for quite a some time, anyone would have thought kissing as normal. But, for Me and Natalie, it was a BIG deal. We, especially I , were fan of the old school love.

Love, which is far beyond just physical affection.

Where eyes convey much more than lips can ever tell.

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