John Shelby

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3 weeks later:

"She wont even sleep in the same bed as me, I find her asleep on the sofa nearly every night and if she isn't on there she is sat on the windowsill in the kitchen looking out the window, she didn't want this marriage at all...wait she was betrothed for peace between the families. what did they even do" John rambles on to Polly who is listening half heartedly. she grabs the cup of tea in front of her and sips on it slowly looking down at her newspaper. "have you thought about asking her John" Polly says still reading the newspaper in front of her, john scratches the back of his head and lights the cigarette hanging out of his mouth "I have tried, but she is too scared to tell me, she has heard the stories pol. she thinks I'm a cold hearted killer, I mean if I was her I wouldn't want to share a bed with me either" John continues rubbing his eyes with his hand. Polly looks up from her newspaper and makes eye contact with john, leaning close to his face "John, your a Shelby stop being such a cunt, if you want to know all the answers to all these questions go and find out the answers. If I was you I would start with Tommy, you know seen as he is the one that betrothed you" Polly tuts before leaning back into her chair and picking up the newspaper so it is covering her face. 

John yanks his jacket of the back of the chair and storms out of Polly's house, that the last time he asks her for advice, she didn't tell him anything except to go talk to Tommy...but its somewhere to start. John knocks rather loudly on Tommy's office door getting his attention "Come in" he bellows. John pushes the door open and makes his way to the seat opposite tommy, he pulls the chair out and sits down resting his arms on Tom's desk "Tom, why did Evangeline's family and ours need to create peace, you told me we needed peace but you never said why." john could see the look on Thomas' face, he looked uncomfortable and that means its going to be something bad. "John, Evangeline's father sold Evangeline to us, he owed us a lot of money that he didn't he gave us his daughter instead. I knew she was a good girl so I didn't want her working on the streets for us, and you need a I got you a wife." he says shuffling through paper work scattered in front of him. "You bought me a wife! no wonder she hates me" John shouts, pushing the seat from behind him across the room. Tommy scoffs under his breath at Johns actions "Relax john, it was either get married to you, or be a woman who works in the night, which one do you prefer" Tommy says raising his voice grabbing John by the scruff of his neck. John relaxes his body when he hears a little knock on Tommy's door. Tommy quickly straightens himself out "What do you want" he shouts as he walks towards the door. before he can even reach the door it creaks open revealing the tiny Evangeline, looking scared at Tommy's response to her knock "I...I was just wondering if I could get a I'm not home alone all the time" you can hear the quiver in her voice as she tries to speak to Thomas. Tommy immediately softens his body language and runs his hands through his hair before looking back at john and raising his eyebrow. John can tell by the look on his face he has an idea "I think I have a job in mind for you" Tommy says smoothly taking Evangeline by the arm and leading her out of his office into the hallway. John rushed behind trying to hear what Tommy is saying to Evangeline. "so what will my job be Tommy" she asks politely "As you know the business has gotten significantly bigger and John has his own office now as does Arthur and they need a secretary, I was thinking you could be John's secretary, you would have a desk in his office and go through paperwork to do with the business" Evangeline looks from me to Thomas uncomfortably. "Are you sure I can be trusted with your families paperwork, that everybody would be okay with it?" she asks rubbing her thumbs together and flickering her eyes from the floor to Thomas. "Well you are a Shelby now Evangeline, nobody can say anything" Tommy says confidently before turning back around and heading towards his office "I will see you Tomorrow morning at 8am sharp, am I making myself clear?" Tom says sternly. Evangeline aggressively nods her head, eyes wide out of fear. She is completely terrified of all of them.

John sits opposite Tommy in his office "why did you scare her into working here Tommy?" John asks with a hint of irritation in his voice, Tommy looks up at him and leans back in his chair "you wanted to get closer to her, now you are going to see her at work and at home, how much closer can you get"

I know I did have 3 chapters out already, but I deleted them and started again because I didn't like the way the story was going and I didn't want to continue writing something that I wasn't enjoying. I think this is a lot better and I hope you enjoy it  

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