The Letter

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My legs pounded underneath me, my heart thumping out of my chest. my knees were weak and I had no breath left in me. I threw myself against the bookies door heaving and coughing my hair slapping my face from the vicious wind. I swung the door open and rummaged around for the letter left behind. Why would somebody leave me a letter, I have only been living with the Shelby's for two months. I didn't think anybody even knew we were married. But of course I was naïve, news travels fast when the Shelby's have something to do with it. a glint of white caught my eye. placed very delicately on the main table was a note, not a very big note. The writing was gorgeous, hand written and very posh. this person would of been taking lessons on how to write cursive since they were young. I leaned onto the table placing both my hands on either side of the note

Dear Evangeline

it has come to my attention that you are married to none other then John Shelby, I have sent you this letter to inform you that you have made a terrible mistake. you have crossed my family and for that I must have to take action. robbing the betting shop was just a warning on my part my dear, and I can do much worse to your precious little John and his disgusting family. Make the right decision precious Evangeline. Run away and come to me before this all gets out of hand sweetheart 

Always yours Delgrosso

I collapse onto a chair completely dumfounded everything I was thinking in my head has vanished. my father told me he had handled the Delgrosso family, that they wouldn't bother us anymore. I don't know why I am so surprised by this. My father ran away from all his problems, he probably just ran away from that one as well. After everything was going so well. I grab the closest thing to me and pelt it against a wall. the closest thing to me turned out to be a vase, the shards of glass fly everywhere including on me. I get a few scratches on my bare arms which ooze thick red blood. I start grabbing everything around me and launching it at walls. My father sells me and still leaves trouble on my doorstep! just as I pick up a gun and shoot the whisky bottle on the shelf Thomas and John swing open the Betting shop doors and charge over to me. John snatches the gun out of my hand while Thomas bear hugs me from behind to stop me from picking anything else up. "Its a fucking joke, an actual fucking joke. He's a fucking liar, a scum of a human being!" I scream kicking Thomas behind me forcing him to release me. "fucking hell, for a small girl you sure do have a kick on ya" Thomas yelps clutching onto his man hood. "What did the letter say Eva?" John asks worried. I kick the door before turning around and looking at him, his sweet blue eyes full of so much concern. "Its the Delgrosso family, an Italian gang, you didn't think my father just promised me to you did you? he also promised me to the Eldest Delgrosso son, a mad man. he doesn't just kill for the business he kills for fun, he's killed family members for fuck sake. Him doing this is nothing, this is the equivalent to me spitting in some ones drink!" I plop myself down into the seat next to me smacking my head on the back of it repeatedly. Arthur bursts through the door holding another note "This was stuck to your door Thomas" Arthur breaths heavily, you can tell he has been running. Thomas starts to read the letter out.

"Thomas, You have my beloved living with you, I want her back, I would also like your brother John Shelby. I would like him to me alive to show that you are sorry for stealing my wife. if you do this I will leave you alone and no more damage will be done to your business. Tell Evangeline I will see her soon. Delgrosso" After reading Thomas flicks the letter out of his hand, resulting in it landing a few steps away from me. 

"what are we gunna do Tommy" John says panicked. I look over at Thomas who is rubbing his head trying to think "Its easier if I just go, he isn't going to stop until he has me, he was promised me and now he wants me okay. I can get him to forget about John by making him think I love him. I know what he's like I was forced to go meet him numerous times." John spins his head round and looks me dead in the eye. the amount of anger in his eyes could light this place on fire. "If you think I'm letting you walk into that mans house and leave us forever your not as smart as I fuckin thought you were!" John shouts smacking his fist against the wall. "You think you punching a wall is going to fuckin scare me, what scares me John is when you walk into the house at three in the morning covered in blood!" I retaliate stepping forward, closing the gap between us a little bit. Polly and Michael now step through the doors both with panicked faces. "we did what you told us Tom" Michael says nodding his head calmly. "Wow, now you have an opinion, now your ex boyfriend has destroyed the place" he laughs sinisterly. before anyone can come in-between us I sprint forwards punching John in the face, he looks back at me in shock holding his bloody cheek "you cut me" I look back at him shaking my bloody knuckle "There's more where that came from sunshine" I smirk looking back at me and feeling a little proud of myself. Before I can say anything else John's face collides with mine, the second time we have ever kissed other then our wedding day...and its after I punched him in the face.  I place both my hands on his face and pull away out of breath.  I hear faint clapping behind me and before I know it Arthur, Pol, and Michael are all clapping while Thomas stands there shaking his head and smirking. "Took you long enough" Polly smiles taking a long drag of her cigarette. "So, what's the plan?" 

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