Movie Star

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After my little speech at the betting shop I can already see the Shelby's look at me with repect rather then pity like they did before, which I mean made me feel rather confident. Everyone at work agreed to go to the re-opening of the garrison tonight and of course John agreed that I would go as well without consulting me, this didn't really bother me that much because well its a family occasion and of course everyone is expected to be there. I have become rather close with Polly, now having the blessing to call her Pol. She understands the pace at which I am going at with the family. Its hard changing from a travelling gypsy family to a full on gang, she agreed to meet me outside the garrison before I get bombarded by the rest of the family when I enter. I wanted to wear my best dress, I heard john saying everyone was dressing up really nice for the reopening after the fire that happened before I arrived. I was happy for Arthur that he would have something for himself and I didn't want to show up looking lower class to something he has worked really hard on

I thought about all how much my life has change while I lay in the bath looking at the reflection of the water on the ceiling, my hair stroking my naked skin as it fills up the bath tub like an oil spill. I run my hands up and down my body, stroking my soft skin. The front door swings open and I hear foot steps approaching the living room, there is no time for me to jump out and grab the towel on the sofa so I just sink into the water and stare at the door that is open next to me. I look closely and see that its only John, my body becomes more relaxed, he has really been trying with me recently, he hasn't been pushing me to do anything I don't want to and he has been really supportive about my job in the betting shop. I look closely and he looks stressed, his hair is a mess and I can see blood on his suit. "John?" I say curiously. his body spins round and his eyes widen as he sees me in the tub naked, my hair covering my breasts. "can you pass me the towel on the arm of the sofa please" I smile sweetly looking from him to the towel. he stands their frozen for a second before that cheeky little grin finds its way back on his face. "course love" he walks over and hands me the towel causing out hands to graze one another's. I see him look me up and down quickly before he walks away. I step out of the bath and wrap the towel around me tightly stopping it from falling down. my hair is plastered to my body  and water is dripping all over the carpet. I hear faint mumbling in the kitchen. I step into the door way of the kitchen quietly trying not to distract John. he is swearing under his breath at a piece of paper in front of him, the blood on his clothes are more obvious now. Before I started living with John I knew he was an aggressive man, that you didn't get on the wrong side of him because he wasn't scared of a fight. But the John sat in front of me doesn't scare me anymore he makes me feel at home, without John living here I don't know what I would do. I step over to him quietly and place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it gently. "Why is there blood on your suit John?" I ask rubbing my hand on his back. I feel his back muscles relax under my touch. he sighs quietly before turning to face me "Just some business love, nothing for you to be worrying about" he places his free hand on top of mine which causes me to blush. I investigate his face and see his eyebrow is bleeding. I immediately speed walk over to the kitchen counter, grab a rag, some whisky and walk back over to John in a huff "I think you forget john, that I'm still your wife and I worry about you when you come home stressed and in a for once just let me help you" I say as I dab the alcohol on Johns right eyebrow, he looks up at me and raises one eyebrow "If anyone heard that Eva, they might think you actually like me" 

I sit in front of the mirror finalising my look for tonight, I rather impressed with myself, I look rather elegant to say that I lived in a caravan with about four other people. I laugh to myself delicately until I hear the bedroom door open "Don't you look like a movie star" John says placing his hands on my shoulders. I tilt my head back slightly so that it is rested on his chest "You ready to go?" I say as I smile at him through the mirror. he nods in retaliations and holds out his arm so that I can grab it "Don't let any of your enemies find out that your such a gentleman, they might think your gone all soft now you've got a wife" I laugh as we step parade through the house together. 

we stopped outside the garrison still arm in arm looking like a real married couple, I didn't think anything of it until Pol walked in front of me and held her hand out for me to grab it "we'll meet you inside John" she says plastering on a smile

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we stopped outside the garrison still arm in arm looking like a real married couple, I didn't think anything of it until Pol walked in front of me and held her hand out for me to grab it "we'll meet you inside John" she says plastering on a smile. John looks from me to Pol and hesitantly walks away but not before he turns to me and whispers in my ear "Her bark is worse than her bite" him saying this causes a little giggle to escape my lips which causes Pol to finally swot John away from us. She pulls me out a chair outside the garrison and one for herself, we both sit and smoker out cigarettes silently until Polly speaks up finally " and John, your looking a little more comfortable then you were before" she says a grin spreading across her face. I feel my cheeks burn red as I look down at my feet. "It's nothing really, I just becoming more used to him being around and he is my Husband after all...he's a nice boy when you get to know him. Even though he does come back home with a couple of cuts and bruises every now and then" a twang of anger washes over me when I say the last part which Polly notices immediately. her face softens as she leans over and places a hand on top of mine "you really do care for him don't you, its his job Evangeline, he's going to get hurt every now and then...but now your home to help clean him up" she pats her hand o mine before standing up and heading back into the garrison. 

I walk into the garrison and see John immediately laughing with his brothers having a good time as he throws back whisky after whisky. I walk over and stand at the end of the table with a smile on my face, what Pol said really lifted my spirits, there's nothing I can do to change John's job, but I can help him when he comes home looking like a mess. John looks up at me from his spot on the pub sofa looking rather lustfully, I give him a cheeky wink and plop myself down next to him "does anybody want to pour me a drink then, or should I pour it myself" I laugh grabbing myself a glass from the middle of the table and smacking it down in front of me. They all look at me in shock, I have never drank in front of them before. probably because when I first oved in with John I would drink while I was home alone, which built up my tolerance a little better and got me used to the taste of whisky. After a couple minutes of everyone staring at me I grab the drink myself and fill up my glass. I grab the drink in one of my hands hold it in the air and swallow it in one. Arthur starts banging his hands on the table in hysterical laughter "She's a Shelby now I tell ya" he shouts as he raises his glass. John looks at me before sliding his arm around my waist and winking at me before rolling the stick in his mouth to the other side. I raise my hand slowly and take the stick from his mouth which causes him to knot his eyebrows out o confusion. before he can say anything I place the stick into my mouth and smile mischievously. 

Just as all of us are laughing and having a good time a small boy bursts through the Garrison doors screaming and hollering. "Tom, the betting shop has been robbed, and they left a note...its written to Evangeline" 

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think about the growing relationship of John and Evangeline. Also Who do you think wrote that letter and robbed the bookies!!!! 

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