Knock Knock, Who's There?

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Guess who's back

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Guess who's back

back again

The Authors back

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No but seriously, I am tryint to upload more. So I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you for reading.

The next morning after the family meeting I was absolutely shattered, we drank all night and talked about the most recent letter that was tapped onto our front door. still feel funny sometimes saying our, our bed, our sofa, our fireplace. And if I'm being honest I like it, I like being married to John, I like being around him, I like when he comes home drunk and I have to help him get to bed and stroke his head so he can get to sleep.

I stretch out in the bed and cuddle the sheets over my body. I look over to John and snuggle into his arm, taking in all of his of his warmth radiating from his body, he feels warmer then a fireplace, which gives me so much comfort that I feel my body completely relax. I feel him shuffle behind me beginning to wake up, I feel a frown grow on my face, I don't want him to wake up yet, I'm enjoying the moment and don't want it to end. Both his arms wrap around me and snuggle into me, my frown quickly turns into a smile, I squint my eyes out of happiness and lightly kiss his arm and watch the hairs on his arm stand slightly. I turn in his masculine arms so that I'm facing him, his eyes are closed shut lightly as he dreams. I tilt my head upwards and place my lips on his, leaving a sweet kiss hoping that he doesn't feel it. His eyes flutter open as he looks at me with a smirk playing on his face "I didn't know you like to kiss me while you think I'm sleeping" he says cockily. I smile back at him and laugh quietly under my breath before playing both my hands onto his face and kissing him again, this time opening my mouth slightly to make it more heated. He pulls his hand out from the sheets and tangles it into my hair which turns me on. As we are about to get more intense with each other, the house phone on John's bedside table starts ringing. For fuck sake. "Hello. Arthur what is it? You want me there now? Fuck, fine I will be there in a minute" John slams the phone down which causes me to jump slightly. I pull myself out from under the sheets so that you can see my silk slip. John also sits up and lights a cigarette. "I thought you were going to be there in a minute" I say raising my eyebrow at him, while I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. "only takes a minute to smoke a cigarette" He smirks before throwing the covers off from the top of him and walking behind me. One of his arms finds its way around my stomach, his large hand resting lightly on top of my belly button sending a warm sensation throughout my torso, it sends comfort through me like an electric shock. I turn my head slightly so that I can look at his face with a raised eyebrow "Now this really doesn't look like you are trying to be there in a minute" I joke, John takes the cigarette out of his mouth and places it into mine, he holds it in between my lips for me while I take a drag. I breathe in the smoke and hold it in my lungs for a couple seconds so that I can feel my lungs heat up slightly. I blow the smoke out in front of me slowly, so that the smoke lingers around the room for longer. As I'm focusing on the smoke swirling around in front of me I feel John's cold fingers graze my neck as he moved my hair, exposing the skin underneath. I shiver under the cold touch of his finger tips, I lower my hand and placed it on his one still resting on my stomach and wrap one of my small hands around it before spinning round so that me and John are face to face. I reach both my hands up and link them together behind his neck. "I mean one minute can always be mistaken for one hour." I smile, slowly inching my face closer to John, I can see his eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips "Yeah, I think you heard me wrong on the phone earlier, I could of sworn I said I would be there in an hour" John winks, he cups my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. I can feel all my air in my lungs disappearing as I get lost in his touch. He suddenly picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, I gasp in shock breaking the kiss by accident. John's lips graze my ear as his breath fans my skin "Did I make you jump?" He whispers quietly, almost sensually which causes the hair on my arms to stand on end, he pushes everything off the top of the Chester draws and places me down on the end so my legs are still wrapped around him securely. he starts to kiss down my neck causing my breathing to quicken. I run my fingers through his hair with one of my hands while the other grips onto his back. I look down flustered when I see John's hand traveling up my thigh to my underwear, his fingers playing with the edges of them, his thumb slipping underneath them and stroking the top before you reach my vagina in a soothing way. soaking up the warmth that my underwear provides. just as his hand is about to slide further down the bedroom door swings open revealing Thomas smoking a cigarette and holding a paper. I throw my head down so I'm looking at the floor, the top of my head resting on John's chest. I can feel my face burning from embarrassment. "I came to come get ya, you were taking too long...Now I know why" Thomas trails on, I can hardly hear a thing he is saying. the only thing I can hear is the thumping of my heart. God knows how far we would of both gone if Thomas hadn't walked in. And if I'm being honest I wanted to carry on, my body craves John with everything it has. I drop my legs down to the floor and pat John on the chest "I'm gunna get dressed" I say uncomfortably, keeping my head pointing down to the floor. I feel John's hand rub my back as I walk away. God that was one of the most uncomfortable scenarios I have ever found myself in. you know other then almost crying when I walked down the isle. 

he has been gone for so long, what was so important at work. I sip on my tea while I sit curled up on the sofa with a blanket draped over my legs. Dinner is cooking in the oven and I have cleaned the house so there isn't anything else for me to do really. when it dawns on me that I have nothing else to do I start to become increasingly bored. what do I do with myself when John isn't home, I can answer that question for you. Nothing, absolutely nothing. On days that I don't have work I just sit around and wait for John to come home like a lonely dog waiting for her master, I mean I don't want to go to work on my day off to go and see John, how desperate would I look. As I'm sat there pondering over how to entertain myself I hear a delicate knock on the door. It's too light to be one of the boys...well it could be Fin, he is the only one that doesn't just walk into the house. I  walk over to the door with my mug still in my hands and pull the door open slightly. well its definitely not Fin. My sister stands in front of me with a hooded cloak, covering her top half, the hood concealing her hair, except for he stray hairs that blow in the wind, a tattered farm dress, probably from collecting vegetables from the camp site. she looks at me in awe. I look from her clothes to mine and see how much nicer mine are. I guess I never realised how much nicer I started dressing when I got married to john, I guess its because they all dress like this so its something I'm used to being surrounded by. "c-can I come inside" she stutters, wrapping her hooded cloak around her shoulders to keep out the cold. I quickly step backwards giving her space to get inside "Yeah sure come in" my voice is quiet and scratchy, I didn't expect to see her, especially not here in small health. Its not safe for her here, I don't know what Thomas would think if he saw her here, they could think I'm up to something which I'm not, let me just get that straight. she steps into the house and pulls the hood off of her head, I quickly jog into the kitchen and grab a mug so I can pour her some tea. I sit down in the living room and pour some of the ready made tea from the teapot into the mug and pass it to her. she wraps both her small hands around it holds the mug under her face so that the steam warms her up, her once pink nose goes back to the normal colour. "Emerald, what exactly are you doing here?" I ask, leaning forward in my chair curious. she looks back at me hurt from my words "n-no not like that, or course I love seeing you, but its not exactly safe in Birmingham and I know Mother and Father wouldn't of let you come here just to have a catch up" I ramble, moving off of my arm chair to sit next to Emerald and hold her hand in mine. She is looking every where but me, her face is scrunched together in concern and she looks really uncomfortable. I can see the glosiness in her eyes, whats so wrong that she had to come here. my stomach is flipping with nerves the longer she stay silent "Emer-" before I can even finish saying her name she lets out a gasp of air that she must of being holding ever since I held her hand "Father and Mother are dead Evangeline" 

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