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Yoon Jisoo's POV
After the boring classes Dongwoon and I said goodbye and he went off first as I had to wait for Dujun and Yoseob oppa to walk home with them. I waited for them in front of the school gate, I saw them and another unfamiliar person, I looked closer and it was Junhyung. 

"Jisoo-ah, Junhyung and Yoseob will be coming to our house to play overwatch, you ok with that ?" asked Dujun oppa

"Why are you even asking me I don't own the house mom and dad owns it, ask them."

"Well because there's once I brought my friend home and you complained because we were too noisy," Dujun oppa said while pouting.

"Oppa stop pouting you aren't cute oh and that, yea don't be too noisy."

We was walking back home while Dujun oppa told us that he was hungry so we had to stop by the convenience store to get instant noodles before we go back.  While we were waiting for Dujun oppa to get his instant noodles with Yoseob oppa, Junhyung and I sat on the chairs outside. We were both awkward but I decided to break the silence as I realise that he is friends with Dujun and Yoseob oppa and he may be coming over to our house more often.

"You are Junhyung am I right ?"

"Yea" he answered coldly.

"How did you know Dujun oppa ? I've never seen you coming to our house, are you a transfer student ?" i asked those question without giving him opportunity to answer my questions.

He giggled "Today at lunch you were the one who told Gikwang one question at a time but now you are asking me so many questions."

"Opps sorry ok anyways answer my question."

"Yea I'm a transfer student, I'm in the same class as Dujun, Yoseob and Gikwang."

"Ahhh... So you are also two years older than me, and I should call you oppa right."

"I'm ok with anything," he said and smile. My heart suddenly skipped a beat, strange why did my heart skip a beat.

~To Be Continued~

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