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Hey there everyone!!! I'm sorry for being MIA for so long!!!!!! So much going on but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it :) So I'm back with another chapter. I realize I should probably update Behind a Smile but, I'm sorry I just really had to get to this one first. So I hope you enjoy it :) I am also super obsessed with this song so that's why it is the chapter song: St. Patrick by PVRIS.
UPDATE: my new cover was made by Sara50840, definitely ask her to make a cover if you need one!!

"You know, I'm really surprised that (Name) hasn't totally murdered us yet," Xion said to Roxas as they walked.

"Me too actually, I thought she would've totally gotten back at us for it!" Roxas said, then his eyes widened, "Actually, I think we spoke too soon."

You glared at the both of them from afar as you were walking in their direction. It was pretty evident that you were not happy with the two of them with the way you stomped towards them. You almost wanted to laugh at the face Roxas was making.

"YOU TWO!" you stopped infront of them, crossing your arms, "What the heck?"

"Hey (Name)," Xion giggled while Roxas laughed.

"How was yesterday?" she continued, raising her eyebrows. You continued to glare at them.

"Aw come on (Name)," Roxas said, casually putting his elbow on your shoulder, "They were just a bunch of pictures, we thought it'd be funny."

"Oh, I know exactly what you guys thought," you said, "Thanks to you guys, Sora now thinks I like Vanitas!"

"Oh my goooOooodness," Sora sang as he appeared out of no where, "you like Vanitas?"

"No, I do not like Vanitas!" you stated, "You just think I do."

"Nope," Sora said, pointing at you, "you just think you don't. Besides what about those pictures I saw, hmmm?"

Xion and Roxas were cracking up at Sora's antics, "You can thank the two of them for that."

"Oh I already knew it was them," Sora said, starting to join in with Xion and Roxas's laughing.

"Of course all of you would work together! Seriously, how am I even friends with you?"

"Don't worry, you'll thank us later," Xion winked.

"Hey," Vanitas said, appearing out of nowhere, next to you, causing you to jump.

"Hey," you said back, Sora, Xion, and Roxas had quieted down surprisingly. But once again, you spoke to soon as they burst out laughing. Vanitas just looked at them with an eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong with you guys today, besides all the usual stuff?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, just laughing at how (Name) will be thanking us later," Xion replied.

"Why would she thank you guys?"

"I'm pretty sure you'll find out soon enough," Roxas said.

"Jeez Vanny! Thanks for saying hi to the rest of us!" Sora shouted, playfully, "It's not fair that (Name) gets a hi and not your own brother!," he continued to overdramatize it, "she can't be that special... or can she?"

"Um, I saw you this morning Sora," Vanitas just stared at him, "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"


Roxas and Xion cracked up, while you stood there awkardly and Vanitas just stared. To make matters worse, someone came up from behind you and covered your eyes.

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