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Hey guys!! I know this chapter has been in the works forever!! I'm glad it's finally out though. I hope you enjoy it!! :)--- (F/N)= first name (L/N)= last name

"So, you guys were at your front door..." Zack continued, "Then? Come on, the suspense is killing me here!"

"He kissed me!" you said, instantly feeling yourself starting to blush.

"Awwww, that's so cute!" Zack said, "Not going to lie, I did kind of expect this to happen."

"I'm really sorry Zack," you said, feeling slightly bad, "I know you did kind of like me but I really like him a lot."

"Oh no, don't worry about me (Name)! I'm a big boy, I'll be okay," Zack said pulling you into a hug, "I mean yeah, it does suck a little bit but, there's plenty of fish in the sea. And, our friendship definitely comes first. Plus, there really was no actual competition between the two of us anyway, you two kind of do have a history."

"I mean I guess so," you replied, smiling at Zack.

"Besides we still get to have lots of fun at prom!" Zack said, practically jumping around.

The entire group had gone to take pictures and had dinner already, and were now waiting in line to show your prom tickets before you could enter the school. The line had been steadily moving and you were almost to the entrance.

"I'm also pretty sure Vanitas plans on sneaking in to the dance at some point," Zack said, "I'll be sure to let you guys have a slow dance together, don't worry," you playfully slapped his arm as you pulled out your ticket.

You smiled to yourself as you looked back at the rest of your friends in line behind you and Zack. Tonight was definitely going to be great. Prom wasn't as big of a deal to you in the way that it was to some people. It was more of the fact that it was going to be the one of the last times you would all get to see each other like this before going off to college. That's why it was so important to you, not for the superficial reasons but just because your friends meant a lot to you.

"We're finally at the front of the line!" Zack said, you could feel the energy radiating off of him and his huge smile.

"I'm so excited!" you replied back.

Mr. Vexen was the one in charge of handling the tickets and, to be honest, you were kind of scared of him. He was the chemistry teacher and you had done pretty well in his class but he was just really intimidating. Zack handed in his ticket and you proceeded to do the same. The both of you were about to walk in when he pulled you aside.

"Um..." Zack looked really confused, "Mr. Vexen, is there a reason why you've pulled us aside?"

"Yes, Mr. Fair, there is," he replied, "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you. Unfortunately for Miss (L/N), the news is not so pleasant."

"What's going on?" you asked, slightly worried.

"You will not be able to attend the dance as a result of your actions last night. This is not up for discussion and this is the only additional punishment you are receiving. Vanitas will receive an extra weeks worth of detention. I would like to hope you will  not make the mistake of loitering on school grounds after hours again. I'm very sorry to have to deliver such bad news. Please make your way to the same detention room that's been used during the week."

"He didn't look very sorry," Zack grumbled as he took you further into the hallway.

You could already feel yourself getting sad, angry, and frustrated. It must've been visible on your face because Zack pulled you into a hug.

Detention Week [KH/FF]Where stories live. Discover now