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Hey guys!! So this is officially the last chapter of this fic! I can't believe that we're finally here! But thank you guys for supporting it so much even though I took so long between updates. There is going to be a sequel, so just keep checking back on my page for it :)

It was a nice feeling, the sun on your skin, after being stuck inside an air conditioned building for the last few hours. Vanitas's hand was intertwined with yours as the two of you walked to his car. You didn't think you could ever get used to this feeling, the way you felt around Vanitas. Even just simply holding hands with him just made you so incredibly happy.

Detention with Ms. Z had been pretty great. The two of you had been expecting to be cleaning up from yesterday's festivities but, all she had you do was sit in her room the entire time. She just talked about random things about herself and asked you things about the two of you, well it had been you she'd questioned more because she already knew Vanitas very well. The topic of conversation did turn to the both of you and how she'd noticed you getting closer but she didn't press very much and just let Vanitas lead the conversation in another direction. Vanitas had also drawn a quick little sketch of you that he gave to you to keep, promising you that one day he'd actually do a real portrait for you.

He looked at you from the corner of his eye and smiled lightly to himself as the two of you finally reached his car.

"We can just put our bags in the trunk," he said, you took off your backpack and set it in the trunk as he put his there as well.

"So, what did you want to do?" You asked as you both sat in the car.

"Well," Vanitas said, starting the engine, "everyone seems to be doing their own thing today, and no one's mentioned anything about hanging out, so we can do whatever."

"I'm fine with whatever," you replied back, smiling at him playfully.

He playfully rolled his eyes at you, "You know what I mean."

"I know, I know," you giggled.

You found yourselves at the Destiny Islands Mall, specifically at the popular ice cream shop there. They made all sorts of different kinds of ice cream arrangements there which is probably what made it so popular. You were seated at one of their outdoor tables under the shade of the umbrella. The mall was an outdoor mall which was really great seeing as the weather was usually amazing here.

"Cookies and cream for me and cookies and cream for you," Vanitas said as he brought the two large cups of ice cream and set them down. The two of you ate the ice cream silently for a few moments.

"So, I've been kind of curious about this," Vanitas started asking, "You liked me before, like a few years ago but, you never really did anything about it, why was that?"

You felt your face heat up slightly, not expecting the question, "Oh... Um, well I guess I was just too shy to really do anything significant and I thought it'd be better to just let it pass since you didn't feel the same way. Roxas and Xion never really let it go though and they'd always tease me about it, even up till this year before this past week."

"Ah, I see. I guess I'll have to thank them for that. But, I did actually like you back then too," Vanitas said, nonchalantly scooping ice cream into his mouth.

You stopped midscoop and turned to your right to look at him, "Wait... You liked me back then!Why didn't you do anything about it?"

Detention Week [KH/FF]Where stories live. Discover now