* Chapter 2 *

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A/N - For those who have confusion reagarding Grace's character.

Grace is sweet and helpful, but she is extemely sarcastic. The sarcasm doesn't make her rude, it's just the fun side of her nature. Although, she never say's any sarcastic remark aloud, because she doesn't want to hurt other's feelings. You will see her sarcasm come out in front of her friends, because she is comfortable with them and knows that whatever she says won't hurt them. Also, Grace is very innocent, even in her weird thoughts, she would never swear or abuse anyone. Whatever talks she has with herself are not to offend anyone, just the non-sense that keeps going in her head. That is how she is.

Hope I made her character a bit easy to understand. If you have anymore doubts, feel free to ask me.

And a big thankyou to all those who read, commented and voted on previous chapter, I really appreciate.

Onto the chapter.



Chapter 2

I am part of the ‘It’ crowd in school and a cheerleader.

Gee, no. Just kidding.

I am nowhere near an ‘it’ crowd material, neither do I want to be. Well, no offence to cheerleaders, it’s just that I suck at dancing and also at speaking in that squeaky voice. Not my thing. The jocks and the cheerleaders never bother me. The reason is, because I help everyone, in everything..helping with their home works, getting girlfriends or boyfriends and any kind of help they ever need.

“Hey Grace.” Somebody said from behind me. I turned around to see Brian standing with a hopeful look on his face. Brian was a part of the famous crowd but, he was better than the others. He would never bother anyone without any reason; he was calm and a lot less cocky than other jocks.

“Hi Brian. How are you?” I asked smiling, shutting my locker.

“I’m good. Um grace, I need your help.” He said. Oh, I thought you came to play Ring-a Ring-a roses with me.

He looked worried.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Actually, I had to go on a date with Sophie and today morning my parents told me that they have to go somewhere and I have to stay home with my sister. But I really don’t want to cancel on Sophie, so I was wondering if you could babysit my sister?” he asked nervously.

Brian was my neighbor too, an annoying one sometimes. He would host parties when his parents were out of town, which was a lot, and those parties would end at six in the morning. Loud music, drunken teens and air that smelled like puke and alcohol. Perfect environment for a goodnight’s sleep.

When I didn’t respond, he pleaded again. “Please Grace, I’ll do whatever you want. Anything. Please?”

I thought for a moment, I didn’t have anything to do today. “Alright, I will.” I said and smiled when his eyes brightened.

“You are awesome.” He said beaming at me. No, I am Grace.

“What time should I come?” I asked him.

“Seven thirty? I won’t be gone for long. Thanks.” He said and ran off to his group.

I noticed I had taken out the wrong book from my locker, I opened it again and took out the right book and walked to my first class.

Good girl & Bad boy. Cliché!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz