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Prussia groaned, trying to wake up. His head hurt. He opened his eyes, slowly, and looked around the room. It was all stone. He was lying on the ground, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. He noticed a few bruises that hadn't been there when they'd left for Berlin. He looked up at the room, it was empty. No windows, and only a single door, a heavy, grey door, and a single light hanging from the ceiling. He groaned again as consciousness slowly drifting back to him. He winced, realizing his wrists were cuffed behind his back. His ankles were bound. He was lying on his side on the freezing stone floor. He shivered in the cold that tried to force its way into his chest. Breathing hurt. He struggled at the cuffs, knowing it wouldn't do any good. He tried to sit up, leaning on his elbow. It wasn't comfortable, and he could feel his arm starting to go numb. He inhaled through his teeth, the pain from his broken hand slowly coming into focus again. He noticed it was bandaged. He didn't find that comforting.

"Russia!" he yelled towards the door, surprised by how dry his throat sounded. "Russia!" He let himself fall back onto the ground with another shiver, his arm already asleep. He leaned forward, letting his chest and face press against the stone. It wasn't as painful as lying on his arm, but it still wasn't comfortable. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly with another shiver. He jumped, hearing footsteps outside the door. They were too light to be Russia's. He relaxed slightly, annoyed that the idea of Russia would make him so nervous. He looked up to see Lithuania open the door and walk inside, the front of his shirt bloody. He wasn't wearing his coat. Prussia looked away.

"It's not mine," Lithuania sighed, "It's Hungary's."

Prussia looked back up at him, closing his eyes, shaking his head in frustration, "What-"

"She tried to defend you," Lithuania walked in and sat across from Prussia, leaning against the wall, "She'll be fine. It looks worse than it is."

Prussia looked up at him, trying to lean up on his elbow again.

"Don't hurt yourself," Lithuania shook his head.

"Help me sit up then." Prussia struggled.

"With how angry Russia is at you? I'm not an idiot," Lithuania shook his head again.

Prussia rolled his eyes, letting himself fall back onto his shoulder again. "Why are you here?"

"Because after Hungary defended you, I defended her."

Prussia sighed, "And?" he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"And so, for the next 48 hours, I get to wake you up every hour. Which of course means neither of us gets to sleep."

"I'm sorry, Liet."

"Don't be, I knew what I was getting into when I stopped him."

"I'm still sorry."

"Save your apologies for Russia. Maybe he'll go easy on you." Lithuania leaned back against the stone. Prussia caught him wince.

"He hurt you didn't he?"

"It's from...before you left for Berlin."

"You're a bad liar." Prussia shook his head.

Toris sighed deeply, "So I've been told."

"What happened?"

"When I was trying to stop Russia from hurting Hungary he pushed me down. I hit my shoulder on the edge of some table. It's not a big deal, just a bruise." He shrugged.

Prussia nodded. He wasn't sure if he believed that it was just a bruise, but Lithuania didn't sound injured.

There was a long pause, before Prussia spoke again, "Liet?"

{Prussia}Der End Von Preußen Where stories live. Discover now