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Soft light illuminated the room, casting shadows along the back wall. The sun was barely starting to peek over the horizon, and it would only stay in the sky a few hours. The infectious cold of the house seemed thicker, heavier. It had been three weeks since GDR had really spoken with anyone else in the house. Hungary hadn't said a word to him, Estonia was indifferent as always, and Ukraine just smiled at him, but only at dinner. Lithuania and Latvia seemed to actively avoid him, and Poland just glared at him every time he saw him. The only person he spoke to regularly was Russia.

He stood in front of the full-length mirror, looking over his uniform, his measuring rod resting on the table. He picked it up again and unlatched one of the pins. It was off center by a fifth of a millimeter. It bothered him.

"How long does it take you to get it perfect?" Russia smiled, standing in the doorway.

GDR smirked, "Perfect isn't possible."

Russia rolled his eyes, "You would say that."

Gil glanced back at him, his smirk growing, then turned to the mirror, repining the metal piece, this time in the right place. "You didn't have to come and get you know... unless you're here just to admire my uniform skills," he turned around, looking at Russia.

Russia laughed, "Nyet. But it is impressive," he smiled, "You realize it won't matter though... not for this."

"Oh, it matters." GDR smiled.

Russia shrugged, smiling in return. He walked up behind Gil. "That one's out of place," He pointed, quickly.

"Which one!?" Gil turned to the mirror again, grabbing his ruler.

Russia laughed, "It's fine, Ptitska."

Gil rolled his eyes, internally wincing. He still didn't like that nickname. "Did you just make a joke?"

"Despite what many people believe, I'm not incapable of making jokes." Russia shrugged, "Now, we must go. They're waiting."

GDR nodded, straightening his uniform again as Russia walked towards the door.

"It's fine, GDR!" Russia called back as he turned into the hallway.

Gil sighed, smirking again, turning away from the mirror and setting his ruler down. He followed Russia.


GDR stopped, turning to see Latvia standing behind him. He sighed, looking down at the boy, "Ja?"

"W-w-w-why are you doing this?" Latvia trembled, "You... you you you look scary again..." Latvia looked down.

GDR sighed, trying to think of an answer.

"Is it because of me?" Latvia didn't look up.

Gil shook his head, "Nein... I just... I have too many people I need to protect," He nodded, "My people."

"Russia's people," Latvia snapped, still keeping his eyes down, unwilling to look up at Gil.

"Yes," GDR nodded, "People that belong to the Soviet Union. It's the best way to protect them."

"Unless they try to cross the wall..."

GDR raised his hand, then drew it back. A shiver went down his spine as Latvia looked up at him, his big blue eyes shining with tears.

"Do it," Latvia trembled, "Get it over with." Latvia bit his lip, looking away.


"Why are you doing this! Why!?" Latvia shook, with anger this time, his hands clenching into fists, "Why are you joining Russia? Wh-wh-why are you doing this to us!?" Tears streamed down his cheeks.

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