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"Please, just apologize GDR, say you want to come back and fight with me. Say that you understand..." Russia sighed, kneeling next to him, his warm hand on Prussia's shoulder.

Prussia said nothing, shivering with cold. Russia's hand was warm, but he didn't let himself think about that. The idea of relying on Russia for anything disgusted him.

"It wouldn't be so hard, would it? Then this is over, no more of this. I don't like hurting you." Russia sighed.

"Just like you don't like hurting Toris?" Prussia spat back, pulling away from Russia.

"You think I enjoy hurting him?" Russia sighed, shaking his head, "I have to teach him, don't you understand? Pain is a good teacher. How would you all stay if I didn't make you?"

Prussia looked up at Russia, shocked. "What is wrong with you? How do you not get it?"

"You're the one not understanding, GDR." Russia stood with another sigh, and looked down at Prussia, towering above him.

"I understand just fine." Prussia set his jaw.

He winced hard as Russia delivered a well-aimed kick into his shins. He looked up at Russia, gritting his teeth.

"I was trying to save you." Russia's voice was still sad, almost hurt, "I was taking good care of you..." He kicked Prussia's stomach this time.

Prussia gasped, fighting the urge to cry out.

"You belong to me, and I take care of what is mine."

"I don't belong to you!" Prussia spat back, looking up at Russia with hate in his eyes. He coughed hard as Russia's boot smashed into his ribs.

"Why can't you see that this is the only way to keep you alive? I'm keeping your people alive!" Russia's voice was growing colder, and Prussia could see a spark of rage in his violet eyes.

"You're not keeping my people safe, you're murdering them!" Prussia growled, letting out a soft choke of pain as Russia's boot hit his stomach again. It hurt more than he would admit. He instinctively tried to pull away as Russia knelt beside him, inhaling through his teeth as Russia grabbed his hair, forcing his head back.

"Don't you dare talk to be about 'murder'." Russia's eyes flashed, "Not after what you've done."

Gil struggled, trying to wrench his head free from Russia's hand. "Like you're any better..." he whispered, trembling a little. He gasped as Russia clutched his hand around his throat.

"I only kill people who deserve it." Russia didn't let Prussia speak again, letting his grip around his neck grow stronger.

Gil fought for breath, his vision starting to blur. He pulled his knees to his chest and kicked Russia in the stomach before the bigger country could react. Russia fell back, releasing Gil's neck and hair to catch himself. Prussia coughed hard, gasping, trying to breathe. He looked up at Russia with a smirk before Russia's boot collided with his face. He struggled weakly as Russia grabbed his hair again.

"Still trying to fight?" Russia's voice was angry.

Gil smirked, "Always." He spit blood into Russia's face.

Russia closed his eyes, letting go of Prussia's hair. He stood slowly, and sighed, turning back to Prussia, wiping his face on his scarf. "I don't enjoy this, GDR," his tone said otherwise, "but if you really want to do this the hard way..."

Prussia tried to steady his trembling breath as Russia pulled out the giant pipe. He kept his eyes fixed on the metal as Russia spoke.

"I'll give you one more chance, Gil." There was a hint of sadness in Russia's voice. Prussia didn't believe it.

{Prussia}Der End Von Preußen Where stories live. Discover now