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(A/N Kinda PoLiet/LietPol part also poor Poland what did I do)

Prussia sat on his bed trying to read. He looked down at his arms, they were still wrapped in bandages, but the braces were no longer needed. He flexed his shoulders. His back wasn't painful unless he leaned against it too hard, and the wound on his chest was completely healed. His lungs weren't as strong as they used to be, yet, but they were improving, slowly. He didn't cough as often anymore. He sighed, well enough to be bored but not quite enough to do much of anything about it. He noticed the time and closed his book, tossing it aside, and slipped under the covers, rolling onto his side, not even bothering to change out of his military pants. He didn't think he'd be able to sleep anyway. He closed his eyes, trying to escape the memories that lived in his mind. He couldn't get Hungary's words from a few days before out of his head.

Gil practically leapt out of bed as a shriek tore through the stillness. He glanced at the clock. It was 3 am. He ran out the door, not bothering to grab anything. He heard the scream again.

"Poland." He said out loud, running down the hall to his room. He threw open Poland's door and froze.

Poland kicked and screamed, pushing himself further into the corner of his room like he was trying to get away from an invisible enemy. His eyes were open, looking up, and wide with terror. His fingers were covered in blood, and Gil could see marks on his bare arms and sides where his nails had torn into his skin.

Gil shuddered. He'd never seen another human being look that frightened in his life.

Poland shrieked again, clawing at his own face, digging his fingers into his skin.

Gil ran up to him, trying to stop him from hurting himself more, grabbing onto his hands.

Poland struggled, screaming again, fighting Prussia, trying to press himself further into the corner. He scratched at Prussia's face and arms, crying with pain.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE!" Poland screamed, begging, crying. "PLEASE! STOP!" He sobbed, wrapping his arms around his head in self-protection.

Gil took a step back, letting go of Poland, who pulled his knees to his chest, grabbing at his hair, shaking his head. Prussia watched, horrified. He took a deep breath and tried to be calm. "Poland..."

Poland screamed again, "Please! Please stop it! PLEASE!" He covered the scar on his face, sobbing.

Gil winced, the memory of when he'd given Poland that scar was seared into his mind forever. He closed his eyes, the image of the blonde country cowering in the corner, covered in blood, begging and crying for him to stop coming into focus. He opened his eyes and looked back at Poland, who leaned against the wall exactly the same way, trembling, shaking his head. He jumped as Poland screamed again. He just stood where he was, trying to figure out what to do. He watched as Poland wrapped his arms around himself, his nails digging into his upper arms until blood dripped down his fingers. Gil took a step forward to stop him again, when Lithuania pushed past him, kneeling beside Poland, who shrieked again, pressing himself into the corner, trying to get away, clawing at the wall.

"Sh! Sh, it's me. It's Liet. You're" Lithuania pushed Poland's sweat-soaked hair away from his face, touching his cheek gently. "Wake up. Wake up, come on." He held onto Poland's head as the country's face went blank.

Gil shuddered. Poland looked dead. He could see him breathing hard, and the tears falling from his eyes, but he looked dead.

Poland looked over to Gil, seeming to suddenly realize who he was. He cowered against Lithuania, shrieking again, shielding his head with his arms and sobbing. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed again, kicking at Prussia, accidentally hitting Toris. "Don't touch me!"

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