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Prussia opened his eyes slowly, groaning in pain. His lungs ached less, and he could at least move his shoulders. He wasn't lying on stone anymore. He was in his room, in his own bed, face down. He tried to move his shoulders. His back and chest were bandaged, and his arms still braced. He lifted his head slightly, the wound on his neck stinging. He ignored it, pushing himself up on his right hand, trying to look around.

"You shouldn't move, Gil."

Prussia turned, it was Hungary. "Elizabeta..." The sound of his own voice scared him. His throat was raw, and both talking and swallowing hurt. He shifted, turning his face towards her, trying to rest. She was right, he shouldn't move. "How long have I been out?"

"A few days." Her arms were crossed over her chest. He noticed she wasn't wearing her usual dress, just a pair of grey pants and her white blouse. Her arms were bandaged.

"Are you ok?" He asked, trying to be kind.

"Oh I'm fine, how are you, you f-..." she stopped herself with a sigh. "You're a real idiot you know."

"Meh, I keep your life interesting," he smirked.

"I have enough to deal with at the moment, thank you very much!" she put her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

"Mmph," he turned away.

Hungary sighed deeply and put her hand on Prussia's. "Are you all right?" her tone was gentle, concerned.

He sighed too, "Yeah, I'll be all right." He winced as she touched the bandages on his back. "So, did Estonia actually stitch them?" He turned to look at her again.

She nodded, "Yes, Russia helped."

"Did he hurt you?" Prussia motioned to the bandages on her arms again.

"Not much," she shrugged, "You know better than anyone that I can take a hit," she smiled.

He smirked, "Yeah, yeah I know."

"Be quiet, Gil." She rolled her eyes.

"Where's Russia?" Prussia almost didn't want to ask.

"He's... um... busy," she rubbed her upper arms nervously.


Hungary looked down, not answering.

"Liz, who?"

"Poland," she said, still not looking at him.

Prussia sighed, "He still won't talk to me."

"Does that honestly surprise you?" She shook her head.

"I guess not..." he looked away. "I've tried to apologize, I've tried to... help? Make things better... I don't know..."

"After what you and your brother did to him, do you really think you can just apologize?" She stared at him, confused.

"I mean... I know the beatings were...bad sometimes, but-"

"You think he's upset about a few be-" she stopped suddenly, looking into Prussia's face. "You don't know. Oh God, you don't know... do you?" She brought her hand to her mouth and looked away.

"Don't... know... what?" He reached for her hand, taking it away from her mouth, not letting it go when she tried to pull away. "Liz, what don't I know?"

"I... I can't..." She shook her head, staring at him, shocked. "How... how could you not know? How- Your brother must have known, there's no way... he couldn't have..."

"Known what? Liz, what are you talking about?" Her voice was stern, almost angry.

She pulled her hand away from his forcefully, "You'll have to ask Poland yourself." She stood, turning away from him.

{Prussia}Der End Von Preußen Where stories live. Discover now